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1. Harris & Ewing President discusses power pool, Washington, D.C., Sept. 30. President Roosevelt discussed the question of pooling private and public electric power with private and government power experts at the White House today. After a conference that lasted most of the afternoon Frank R. McNinch, Chairman, Federal Power Commission, and Wendell L. Wilkie, President of Commonwealth and Southern Corporation, emerged from the President's office to state that President Roosevelt had agreed to consider pooling Government hydroelectric projects and private power facilities in the TVA area. The president's decision will not only mean an exchange between the Tennessee Valley Authority and private utilities of the Southeast but touch possibilities for Bonneville Dam on the Columbia River and other public works projects. Harris and Ewing, Alexander Sachs, extreme right [1936] September 30

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20259251
2. Harris & Ewing President discusses power pool, Washington, D.C., Sept. 30. President Roosevelt discussed the question of pooling private and public electric power with private and government power experts at the White House today. After a conference that lasted most of the afternoon Frank R. McNinch, Chairman, Federal Power Commission, and Wendell L. Wilkie, President of Commonwealth and Southern Corporation, emerged from the President's office to state that President Roosevelt had agreed to consider pooling Government hydroelectric projects and private power facilities in the TVA area. The president's decision will not only mean an exchange between the Tennessee Valley Authority and private utilities of the Southeast but touch possibilities for Bonneville Dam on the Columbia River and other public works projects. Harris and Ewing, Alexander Sachs, extreme right

3. Rosener, Ann Inflation. Hitler's ally. More money in the hands of more people and fewer goods available on which to spend that money would mean the skyrocketing of prices and the diminishing of the dollar's buying power. A man like Joe Jones would be forced to make constant inroads on his savings, a rescue device with a very obvious limit 1942 Apr

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19636666
4. Rosener, Ann Inflation. Hitler's ally. More money in the hands of more people and fewer goods available on which to spend that money would mean the skyrocketing of prices and the diminishing of the dollar's buying power. A man like Joe Jones would be forced to make constant inroads on his savings, a rescue device with a very obvious limit

5. Runion, Meryl How to use power phrases to say what you mean, mean what you say, and get what you want New York: McGraw-Hill; c2004

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 13316899
6. Delano, Jack, 1914-1997 The old Kenyon's johnnycake flour mill in Usquepaugh is run by water power. The waterwheel is underneath the mill and by means of these two gears its power is brought into the mill

7. Delano, Jack, 1914-1997 The old Kenyon's johnnycake flour mill in Usquepaugh is run by water power. The waterwheel is underneath the mill and by means of these two gears its power is brought into the mill 1940 Dec

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19919250
8. Hemmenway, Moses, 1735-1811 Remarks on the Rev. Mr. Hopkin's answer to a tract intitled, "A vindication of the power, obligation and encouragement of the unregenerate to attend the means of grace," &c

9. Harris & Ewing U.S. Forest Service could be scuttled if government reorganization plan goes thru, senate committee told. Washington, D.C., Aug 3. Appearing before the Senate Committee considering President Roosevelt's Government Reorganization Program, Col. W.B. Greely former Chief of the U.S. Forest Service, gave warning today that powers granted in the bill might mean the Forest Service "would be dismembered like Poland, scattered to the four winds or abolished altogether". He also charged that the proposal to change the name of the Interior Department to the Department of Conservation was a plan to transfer the Forest Service out of the Department of Agriculture to the Interior Department, 8/3/37 [19]37 August 3

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20248567
10. Long, Yun, 1982- A power law of order 1/4 for critical mean field Swendsen-Wang dynamics Providence, Rhode Island: American Mathematical Society; 2014

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 18197326
11. Ma, Wentao (Electrical engineer) Adaptive filtering under minimum mean p-power error criterion Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press; 2024

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 23688080
12. Calkins, Lucy, 1951- Bigger books mean amping up reading power Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann; 2015

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 18737789
13. Ma, Wentao (Electrical engineer) Adaptive filtering under minimum mean p-power error criterion Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press; 2024

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 23707141
14. Sercu, Piet Mean-variance asset pricing with deviations from purchasing power parity [Leuven]: Katholieke Universiteit te Leuven, Faculteit der Economische en Toegepaste Economische Wetenschappen; 1981

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 1863671
15. Huynh, Frank C. H. On a power transformation that almost guarantees the existence of the conditional mean in regressions Melbourne, Australia: La Trobe University; 1981

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 2342488
16. Harris & Ewing U.S. Forest Service could be scuttled if government reorganization plan goes thru, senate committee told. Washington, D.C., Aug 3. Appearing before the Senate Committee considering President Roosevelt's Government Reorganization Program, Col. W.B. Greely former Chief of the U.S. Forest Service, gave warning today that powers granted in the bill might mean the Forest Service "would be dismembered like Poland, scattered to the four winds or abolished altogether". He also charged that the proposal to change the name of the Interior Department to the Department of Conservation was a plan to transfer the Forest Service out of the Department of Agriculture to the Interior Department, 8/3/37

17. Harris & Ewing Hit Townsend pension plan. Washington, D.C., Feb. 23. Dr. Harold G. Moulton, right, President of the Brookings Institution, today told the House Ways and Means Committee that the Townsend Old Age Pension Bill 'can readily be demonstrated to be fantastic' while Dr. Willford I. King, left, of New York University, declared that most pension plans, such as the Townsend Plan, do not "add a dollar either to total demand or to total purchasing power," 2-23-39

18. Patrick, Simon, 1626-1707 A sermon preached at St. Paul's Covent Garden on the day of thanksgiving, Jan. XXXI. 1688, for the great deliverance of this kingdom by the means of his Highness the Prince of Orange from popery and arbitrary power

19. Harris & Ewing Urges income tax cut. Washington, D.C., Jan. 19. James H.R. Cromwell, husband of the wealthy Doris Duke Cromwell, today recommended to the House Ways and Means Committee immediate reduction and ultimate repeal of all forms of income tax. Revision of estate and gift taxes and adoption of a manufacturers' sales tax on finished consumers goods, Cromwell said, would tend to encourage distribution of wealth and enhance labor's bargaining power, 1/19/38

20. Harris & Ewing Hit Townsend pension plan. Washington, D.C., Feb. 23. Dr. Harold G. Moulton, right, President of the Brookings Institution, today told the House Ways and Means Committee that the Townsend Old Age Pension Bill 'can readily be demonstrated to be fantastic' while Dr. Willford I. King, left, of New York University, declared that most pension plans, such as the Townsend Plan, do not "add a dollar either to total demand or to total purchasing power," 2-23-39 1939 February 23

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20255113

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