The Library of Congress > Linked Data Service
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1. Poland's Future Workers. The Junior Red Cross of America has invaded far away Poland with its Slogan of "Service" and Helpfulness to suffering children. Here are seen some of the pupils in the vocational training orphanage in Bialystok now being aided and encouraged through the efforts of American children. They are taking manual training and rapidly becoming skilled carpenters, farmers, and Jacks of all trades. These chldren were among returning refugees from Russia whose health had become so impaired that they required hospital treatment June 23, [19]20 [date received]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19516784
2. Poland's Future Workers. The Junior Red Cross of America has invaded far away Poland with its Slogan of "Service" and Helpfulness to suffering children. Here are seen some of the pupils in the vocational training orphanage in Bialystok now being aided and encouraged through the efforts of American children. They are taking manual training and rapidly becoming skilled carpenters, farmers, and Jacks of all trades. These chldren were among returning refugees from Russia whose health had become so impaired that they required hospital treatment

3. Hollem, Howard R. Thanksgiving, 1942. Four of Mr. and Mrs. Wayman E. Fincham's six warrior sons return to their home in Silver Spring, Maryland, for Thanksgiving. Five of the brothers joined the Coast Guard and the other enlisted in the Army. The oldest brother is with Uncle Sam's fighting forces overseas, and the youngest is in training. Mr. and Mrs. Fincham proudly display six stars in the window of their home to tell the world their sons are fighting for freedom 1942 Nov

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19639802
4. Hollem, Howard R. Thanksgiving, 1942. Four of Mr. and Mrs. Wayman E. Fincham's six warrior sons return to their home in Silver Spring, Maryland, for Thanksgiving. Five of the brothers joined the Coast Guard and the other enlisted in the Army. The oldest brother is with Uncle Sam's fighting forces overseas, and the youngest is in training. Mr. and Mrs. Fincham proudly display six stars in the window of their home to tell the world their sons are fighting for freedom

5. Underwood & Underwood No. 707: Red Cross worker bending over a wounded Belgian soldier after the battle. It will be noticed the man's pockets had been turned inside out and their contents stolen. No. 708: Dogs in Humanity's Service. The Red Cross dog finds a soldier who has been wounded. With the soldier's hat in his teeth, the dog returns to where the stretcher carriers are waiting for him. This dog was trained by Mrs. Leo F. Wanner at the Lewanno Kennels, Hempstead, L.I. $5,000. has been offered and refused for her December 1917 [date received]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19516177
6. Underwood & Underwood Dogs in Humanity's Service. The Red Cross dog finds a soldier who has been wounded. With the soldier's hat in his teeth, the dog returns to where the stretcher carriers are waiting for him. This dog was trained by Mrs. Leo F. Wanner at the Lewanno Kennels, Hempstead, L.I. $5,000. has been offered and refused for her December 1917 [date received]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19516178
7. Barrett, Alan, 1968- Exploring the returns to continuing vocational training in enterprises Thessaloniki [Greece]: European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 2627142
8. Underwood & Underwood Dogs in Humanity's Service. The Red Cross dog finds a soldier who has been wounded. With the soldier's hat in his teeth, the dog returns to where the stretcher carriers are waiting for him. This dog was trained by Mrs. Leo F. Wanner at the Lewanno Kennels, Hempstead, L.I. $5,000. has been offered and refused for her

9. Underwood & Underwood No. 707: Red Cross worker bending over a wounded Belgian soldier after the battle. It will be noticed the man's pockets had been turned inside out and their contents stolen. No. 708: Dogs in Humanity's Service. The Red Cross dog finds a soldier who has been wounded. With the soldier's hat in his teeth, the dog returns to where the stretcher carriers are waiting for him. This dog was trained by Mrs. Leo F. Wanner at the Lewanno Kennels, Hempstead, L.I. $5,000. has been offered and refused for her

10. Harris & Ewing Two presidential possibilities arrive at Capital on same train. Washington, D.C., Dec. 8. Thomas E. Dewey, who recently announced his candidacy for the Republican nomination, and Paul V. McNutt, Social Security Administrator, both came to town tonight on the same train. Dewey came to attend tomorrow night's Gridiron dinner, and McNutt returned to resume his official duties

11. Harris & Ewing Two presidential possibilities arrive at Capital on same train. Washington, D.C., Dec. 8. Thomas E. Dewey, who recently announced his candidacy for the Republican nomination, and Paul V. McNutt, Social Security Administrator, both came to town tonight on the same train. Dewey came to attend tomorrow night's Gridiron dinner, and McNutt returned to resume his official duties [19]39 December 8

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20256971
12. Dodge, David A. Returns to investment in university training Kingston, Ont: Queen's University, Industrial Relations Centre; 1972

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 3626915
13. Norrblom, Eva The returns to military and civilian training Santa Monica, Ca: Rand; 1976

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 1367261
14. McIntosh, Steven The returns to apprenticeship training London: Centre for Economic Performance, London School of Economics and Political Science; c2004

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 13805077
15. Budria, Santiago On the returns to training in Portugal Bonn, Germany: IZA; [2004]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 13927597
16. Fersterer, Josef Returns to apprenticeship training in austria Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research; c2007

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 14993976
17. American Colony (Jerusalem). Photo Department Nahalal. Girls' Agricultural Training School. Driving the farm waggon. Girls returning from field work [approximately 1920 to 1933]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 21372397
18. Underwood & Underwood President Roosevelt's splendid reception at Abilene, Kansas - returning to his train

19. Exploring the returns to continuing vocational training in enterprises

20. Krop, Richard A., 1962- The social returns to increased investment in education Santa Monica, CA: RAND; 1998

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 3094521

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