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1. Blending. Many batches of synthetic rubber latex are batched and blended in concrete storage tanks at the Institute plant. This blending assures uniformity of the product. After blending the rubber content is separated by coagulation [between 1935 and 1945]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20077999
2. Blending. Many batches of synthetic rubber latex are batched and blended in concrete storage tanks at the Institute plant. This blending assures uniformity of the product. After blending the rubber content is separated by coagulation

3. ARC in North Russia. The headquarters of the ARC in Archangel. The RC flag flies from each ground floor corner of the big building. The building is of brick and concrete and formerly housed the North Russian branch of a large Russian tire fire and rubber company. The Archangel street cars are always a great novelty and a source of much amusement to the Americans. It is peculiarity of the Russian that he has no idea of hurrying aboard a street car. When a Russian has got his foot on the rear step, he thinks that the task of getting aboard the car is finished, and he sees no reason why he should disturb himself to let others aboard. The result is that three Russians at a street corner will tie up a street car for an indefinite length of time. During the railway strike, when the American soldiers were running the cars, they got impatient with this dilatory Russian custom and accordingly they used to start the cars without warning, leaving a struggling mass of Russians half on and half off April 19, 1919

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19515397
4. ARC in North Russia. The headquarters of the ARC in Archangel. The RC flag flies from each ground floor corner of the big building. The building is of brick and concrete and formerly housed the North Russian branch of a large Russian tire fire and rubber company. The Archangel street cars are always a great novelty and a source of much amusement to the Americans. It is peculiarity of the Russian that he has no idea of hurrying aboard a street car. When a Russian has got his foot on the rear step, he thinks that the task of getting aboard the car is finished, and he sees no reason why he should disturb himself to let others aboard. The result is that three Russians at a street corner will tie up a street car for an indefinite length of time. During the railway strike, when the American soldiers were running the cars, they got impatient with this dilatory Russian custom and accordingly they used to start the cars without warning, leaving a struggling mass of Russians half on and half off


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