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1. Hollem, Howard R. Production. B-24E (Liberator) bombers at Willow Run. Looking up one of the assembly lines at Ford's big Willow Run plant, where B-24E (Liberator) bombers are being made in great numbers. The Liberator is capable of operation at high altitudes and over great ranges on precision bombing missions. It has proved itself an excellent performer in the Pacific, in Northern Africa, Europe and the Aleutians. Ford's Willow Run Plant, Michigan between 1942 July and 1943 Feb

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19641877
2. Hollem, Howard R. Production. B-24E (Liberator) bombers at Willow Run. Looking up one of the assembly lines at Ford's big Willow Run plant, where B-24E (Liberator) bombers are being made in great numbers. The Liberator is capable of operation at high altitudes and over great ranges on precision bombing missions. It has proved itself an excellent performer in the Pacific, in Northern Africa, Europe and the Aleutians. Ford's Willow Run Plant, Michigan between 1942 July and 1943 Feb

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19641879
3. Hollem, Howard R. Production. B-24E (Liberator) bombers at Willow Run. New B-24E (Liberator) bombers, just off the assembly lines at Ford's big Willow Run plant, are lined up for test flights before they are accepted by the Army. The Liberator is capable of operation at high altitudes and over great ranges on precision bombing missions. It has proved itself an excellent performer in the Pacific, in Northern Africa, Europe and the Aleutians. Ford's Willow Run Plant, Michigan between 1942 July and 1943 Feb

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19641893
4. Hollem, Howard R. Production. B-24E (Liberator) bombers at Willow Run. New B-24E (Liberator) bombers, just off the assembly lines at Ford's big Willow Run plant, are lined up for test flights before they are accepted by the Army. The Liberator is capable of operation at high altitudes and over great ranges on precision bombing missions. It has proved itself an excellent performer in the Pacific, in Northern Africa, Europe and the Aleutians. Ford's Willow Run Plant, Michigan between 1942 July and 1943 Feb

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19641895
5. Hollem, Howard R. Production. B-24E (Liberator) bombers at Willow Run. Looking up one of the assembly lines at Ford's big Willow Run plant, where B-24E (Liberator) bombers are being made in great numbers. The Liberator is capable of operation at high altitudes and over great ranges on precision bombing missions. It has proved itself an excellent performer in the Pacific, in Northern Africa, Europe and the Aleutians. Ford's Willow Run Plant, Michigan between 1942 July and 1943 Feb

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19641876
6. Hollem, Howard R. Production. B-24E (Liberator) bombers at Willow Run. Looking up one of the assembly lines at Ford's big Willow Run plant, where B-24E (Liberator) bombers are being made in great numbers. The Liberator is capable of operation at high altitudes and over great ranges on precision bombing missions. It has proved itself an excellent performer in the Pacific, in Northern Africa, Europe and the Aleutians. Ford's Willow Run Plant, Michigan between 1942 July and 1943 Feb

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19641880
7. Hollem, Howard R. Production. B-24E (Liberator) bombers at Willow Run. Looking up one of the assembly lines at Ford's big Willow Run plant, where B-24E (Liberator) bombers are being made in great numbers. The Liberator is capable of operation at high altitudes and over great ranges on precision bombing missions. It has proved itself an excellent performer in the Pacific, in Northern Africa, Europe and the Aleutians. Ford's Willow Run Plant, Michigan between 1942 July and 1943 Feb

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19641878
8. Hollem, Howard R. Production. B-24E (Liberator) bombers at Willow Run. New B-24E (Liberator) bombers, just off the assembly lines at Ford's big Willow Run plant, are lined up for test flights before they are accepted by the Army. The Liberator is capable of operation at high altitudes and over great ranges on precision bombing missions. It has proved itself an excellent performer in the Pacific, in Northern Africa, Europe and the Aleutians. Ford's Willow Run Plant, Michigan between 1942 July and 1943 Feb

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19641894
9. Hine, Lewis Wickes, 1874-1940 Dependent (able-bodied) Parents. Smith Family, West Point, Miss. Three girls (in front) work in the mill. This boy and others work up town. Came from an Alabama farm six months ago. Smallest spinner runs two sides. "Father just putters around. Don't work steady." "We all like the mill work better'n the hot sun on farm." House barren and run down

10. Crichton, A.T. (Arthur T.), approximately 1863-1937 U.S.: I wish this tap would start to run! : or it don't run! : or seems to be stopped up! [1900 July 10]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19208463
11. Hollem, Howard R. Production: B-24E (Liberator) bombers at Willow Run Plant, Michigan. Looking up one of the assembly lines at Ford's big Willow Run plant [Feb 1943]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 22163383
12. Hollem, Howard R. Production. B-24E (Liberator) bombers at Willow Run. Looking up one of the assembly lines at Ford's big Willow Run plant, where B-24E (Liberator) bombers are being made in great numbers. The Liberator is capable of operation at high altitudes and over great ranges on precision bombing missions. It has proved itself an excellent performer in the Pacific, in Northern Africa, Europe and the Aleutians. Ford's Willow Run Plant, Michigan

13. Hollem, Howard R. Production. B-24E (Liberator) bombers at Willow Run. Looking up one of the assembly lines at Ford's big Willow Run plant, where B-24E (Liberator) bombers are being made in great numbers. The Liberator is capable of operation at high altitudes and over great ranges on precision bombing missions. It has proved itself an excellent performer in the Pacific, in Northern Africa, Europe and the Aleutians. Ford's Willow Run Plant, Michigan

14. Hollem, Howard R. Production. B-24E (Liberator) bombers at Willow Run. Looking up one of the assembly lines at Ford's big Willow Run plant, where B-24E (Liberator) bombers are being made in great numbers. The Liberator is capable of operation at high altitudes and over great ranges on precision bombing missions. It has proved itself an excellent performer in the Pacific, in Northern Africa, Europe and the Aleutians. Ford's Willow Run Plant, Michigan

15. Hollem, Howard R. Production. B-24E (Liberator) bombers at Willow Run. New B-24E (Liberator) bombers, just off the assembly lines at Ford's big Willow Run plant, are lined up for test flights before they are accepted by the Army. The Liberator is capable of operation at high altitudes and over great ranges on precision bombing missions. It has proved itself an excellent performer in the Pacific, in Northern Africa, Europe and the Aleutians. Ford's Willow Run Plant, Michigan

16. Hollem, Howard R. Production. B-24E (Liberator) bombers at Willow Run. Looking up one of the assembly lines at Ford's big Willow Run plant, where B-24E (Liberator) bombers are being made in great numbers. The Liberator is capable of operation at high altitudes and over great ranges on precision bombing missions. It has proved itself an excellent performer in the Pacific, in Northern Africa, Europe and the Aleutians. Ford's Willow Run Plant, Michigan

17. Hollem, Howard R. Production. B-24E (Liberator) bombers at Willow Run. Looking up one of the assembly lines at Ford's big Willow Run plant, where B-24E (Liberator) bombers are being made in great numbers. The Liberator is capable of operation at high altitudes and over great ranges on precision bombing missions. It has proved itself an excellent performer in the Pacific, in Northern Africa, Europe and the Aleutians. Ford's Willow Run Plant, Michigan

18. Hollem, Howard R. Production. B-24E (Liberator) bombers at Willow Run. New B-24E (Liberator) bombers, just off the assembly lines at Ford's big Willow Run plant, are lined up for test flights before they are accepted by the Army. The Liberator is capable of operation at high altitudes and over great ranges on precision bombing missions. It has proved itself an excellent performer in the Pacific, in Northern Africa, Europe and the Aleutians. Ford's Willow Run Plant, Michigan

19. Hollem, Howard R. Production. B-24E (Liberator) bombers at Willow Run. New B-24E (Liberator) bombers, just off the assembly lines at Ford's big Willow Run plant, are lined up for test flights before they are accepted by the Army. The Liberator is capable of operation at high altitudes and over great ranges on precision bombing missions. It has proved itself an excellent performer in the Pacific, in Northern Africa, Europe and the Aleutians. Ford's Willow Run Plant, Michigan

20. Crichton, A.T. (Arthur T.), approximately 1863-1937 U.S.: I wish this tap would start to run! : or it don't run! : or seems to be stopped up!


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