Label | Dataset | Type | Subdivision | Identifier | |
1. | [Robinson, John], 1650-1723 An account of Sueden |
BIBFRAME Instances |
Instance | 6014481 | |
2. | Robinson, John Henry, 1796-1871 George Lord Rodney - ob. 1792 |
BIBFRAME Instances |
Instance | 13478636 | |
3. | [Robinson, John], 1650-1723 An account of Sueden |
Work Text Monograph |
6014481 | |
4. | Robinson, John, 1650-1723 |
LC Name Authority File (LCNAF) |
PersonalName SimpleType Name Authority |
n85195608 | |
Person of note who resided many years there, 1650-1723 ; Robinson, M. (John), 1650-1723 ; London, Lord Bishop of (John Robinson), 1650-1723 ; John, Lord Bishop of London, 1650-1723 | |||||
5. | Robinson, John Henry, 1796-1871 George Lord Rodney - ob. 1792 |
Work StillImage Monograph |
13478636 | |
6. | Robinson, John, 1655 or 1656-1723 |
LC Name Authority File (LCNAF) |
PersonalName SimpleType Name Authority |
n85199394 | |
Robinson, John, 1655 or 6-1723 ; Robinson, John, 1655 or 6-1723 |
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