The Library of Congress > Linked Data Service
  Label Dataset Type Subdivision Identifier
1. Lewis Black's root of all evil. Strip clubs vs. sororities

2. Film Strip-of-the-Month Clubs, inc., New York. How to make a puppet [Filmstrip] [n.p.]: Film Strip-of-the-Month Clubs; 1955

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 9797170
3. Film Strip-of-the-Month Clubs, inc., New York. The work of the blood [Filmstrip] [n.p.]: Film Strip-of-the-Month Clubs; 1955

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 10265496
4. Film Strip-of-the-Month Clubs, inc., New York. Roll call of the animals [Filmstrip] [n.p.]: Film Strip-of-the-Month Clubs; 1956

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 8872867
5. Film Strip-of-the-Month Clubs, inc., New York. Oxidation [Filmstrip] [n.p.]: Film Strip-of-the-Month Clubs; 1955

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 8398717
6. Film Strip-of-the-Month-Clubs, inc., New York. The amazing Benjamin Franklin [Filmstrip] [n.p.]: Film Strip-of-the-Month Clubs; 1955

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 9335221
7. Film Strip-of-the-Month Clubs, inc., New York. Time for everything [Filmstrip] [n.p.]: Film Strip-of-the-Month Clubs; 1955

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 6518895
8. Film Strip-of-the-Month Clubs, inc., New York. Safe and sure with electricity [Filmstrip] [n.p.]: Film Strip-of-the-Month Clubs; 1956

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 6525343
9. Film Strip-of-the-Month Clubs, inc., New York. How we measure heat [Filmstrip] [n.p.]: Film Strip-of-the-Month Clubs; 1954

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 6518858
10. Film Strip-of-the-Month Clubs, New York The birth of our national anthem [Filmstrip] [n.p.]: Film Strip-of-the-Month Clubs; 1955

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 8398723
11. Film Strip-of-the-Month Clubs, New York What will the weather be? [n.p.]: Film Strip-of-the-Month Clubs; 1955

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 7461955
12. Film Strip-of-the-Month Clubs, inc., New York. The science of musical instruments [Filmstrip] [n.p.]: Film Strip-of-the-Month Clubs; 1955

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 8392256
13. Film Strip-of-the-Month Clubs, New York Children of Canada [Filmstrip] [n.p.]: Film Strip-of-the-Month Clubs; 1956

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 6525347
14. Film Strip-of-the-Month Clubs, New York Back in ancient Babylonia [n.p.]: Film Strip-of-the-Month Clubs; 1955

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 6057485
15. Film Strip-of-the-Month Clubs, inc., New York. Round and round go the wheels [Filmstrip] [n.p.]: Film Strip-of-the-Month Clubs; 1954

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 9797145
16. Film Strip-of-the-Month Clubs, New York The strategic Panama Canal [Filmstrip] [n.p.]: Film Strip-of-the-Month Clubs; 1956

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 9341412
17. Film Strip-of-the-Month Clubs, inc., New York. How batteries work [Filmstrip] [n.p.]: Film Strip-of-the-Month Clubs; 1956

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 10271978
18. Film Strip-of-the-Month Clubs, inc., New York. The earth satellite, man-made moon [Filmstrip] [n.p.]: Film Strip-of-the-Month Clubs; 1956

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 6999889
19. Film Strip-of-the-Month Clubs, New York How long is it? [n.p.]: Film Strip-of-the-Month Clubs; 1955

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 6993674
20. Film Strip-of-the-Month Clubs, inc., New York. Sense or nonsense? [n.p.]: Film Strip-of-the-Month Clubs; 1955

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 10271953

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