The Library of Congress > Linked Data Service
  Label Dataset Type Subdivision Identifier
1. Berry, James R. Why you feel hot, why you feel cold: your body's temperature Boston: Little, Brown; [1973]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 4078382
2. Berry, James R. Why you feel hot, why you feel cold: your body's temperature

3. Cold resistant materials

LC Classification (LCC)
Technology--Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General)--Materials of engineering and construction--Specific characteristics of materials--Mechanical properties. Behavior of materials under applied forces--Specific properties and tests--Temperature-dependent properties and tests--Cold resista...
4. Cold storage

LC Classification (LCC)
Technology--Chemical technology--Food processing and manufacture--Special processes--Preservation techniques--Low temperature--Cold storage ; Cold storage--Food preservation
5. Cold. Frost

LC Classification (LCC)
Science--Botany--Plant physiology--Physical plant physiology--Physical agents affecting plants (General)--Temperature--Cold. Frost ; Cold--Effect on plants ; Frost--Effect on plants
6. Freeman, Albert Health measures for low home temperatures. Junior will have to become accustomed to lower temperatures this winter so it's a good idea to give him a physical checkup before cold winds start to howl. A healthy youngster will have no trouble in adjusting to the sixty-five degree maximum recommended by the fuel conservation order. If the child is sickly or subject to colds, keep his own room at seventy degrees

7. Yen, Yin-Chao On the temperature distribution near a cold surface [Hanover, N.H.]: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 3970619
8. Lee, Russell, 1903-1986 Weighing box of turkeys to be loaded into freight car at cold storage plant. Brownwood, Texas. Sheepskin coat is necessary because of low temperature in cold storage plant 1939 Nov

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19908569
9. Freeman, Albert Health measures for low home temperatures. Junior will have to become accustomed to lower temperatures this winter so it's a good idea to give him a physical checkup before cold winds start to howl. A healthy youngster will have no trouble in adjusting to the sixty-five degree maximum recommended by the fuel conservation order. If the child is sickly or subject to colds, keep his own room at seventy degrees 1942 Oct

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19639692
10. Wagoner, Kenneth Shrout, 1911- The effect of warmth and cold stimulation of one hand upon the skin temperature of the contralateral hand ..

11. Browne, Milton Wilder Browne's cold storage temperatures and humidity chart

12. Browne, Milton Wilder Browne's cold storage temperatures and humidity chart Kansas City, Mo: M.W. Browne; 1932-

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 8287174
13. Harris & Ewing Measuring relative humidity by radio. Washington, D.C. June 9. The hair element for measuring relative humidity in radio weather sounding balloons has proved innacurate because of very slow response at the cold temperatures encountered in the upper atmosphere. F.W. Dunmore, Radio Engineer of National Bureau of Standards, has just developed a new device for the U.S.Navy which will overcome this effect and at the same time will not be affected in response by temperature. He is shown in the photograph observing a graph on the recorder being produced by radio signals from an ascending balloon carrying the new device. This is the first record obtained with this new developement and shows a repidity of response much greater than the hair hygrometers Hitherto used. 6/9/37 [19]37 June 9

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20248272
14. Wagoner, Kenneth Shrout, 1911- The effect of warmth and cold stimulation of one hand upon the skin temperature of the contralateral hand ... St. louis: Washington university; [1936]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 8780030
15. Collins, Marjory, 1912-1985 [Untitled photo, possibly related to: Washington, D.C. Engineer Graham is a full-time employee at the District grocery store, on call at all hours of the day and night. He is responsible for air conditioning and keeping the storerooms and cold room at the right temperature] 1942 July

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19960056
16. Borus, Judith F. Cold air temperature Uppsala: Distributed by Almqvist & Wiksell, Stockholm; 1971

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 4564114
17. Siegel, Arthur S. Detroit, Michigan. Steps in the maufacture of casings for 105 mm. shells in the Budd wheel plant. Placing a bar of iron in an electric induction furnace. This raises the temperature of the end of the bar to red heat in about ten seconds. The other is completely cold 1943 Jan

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20017824
18. Rogers, Charles G. The relation of the body temperature of certain cold-blooded animals to that of their environment [n.p.]: 1916

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 9079983
19. Hazzard, Kaden Richard Alan, 1982- Quantum phase transitions in cold atoms and low temperature solids New York: Springer; 2011

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 16969466
20. Hill, John B. Temperature variability and synoptic cold fronts in the winter climate of Mexico Montreal: McGill University; 1969

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 2185830

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