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1. Price, Sam'l H. To the Editor of the Vt. Journal. The following paper, prepared in reply to an article in the "Woodstock Age" of last week, grossly false and abusive in the statements and insinuations in relation to myself, the editor of that print has thought best to decline to publish on the alleged grounds that it was sent through a "Whig" and that he does "not feel at liberty to open the columns of the age to promulgate the views of those who may oppose the execution of Geo. Cass." I shall deem it a personal favor if you will give it an insertion in your paper. Sam'l H. Price. Windsor. July 26, 1848 [Windsor]: [1848]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 22312778
2. Price, Sam'l H. To the Editor of the Vt. Journal. The following paper, prepared in reply to an article in the "Woodstock Age" of last week, grossly false and abusive in the statements and insinuations in relation to myself, the editor of that print has thought best to decline to publish on the alleged grounds that it was sent through a "Whig" and that he does "not feel at liberty to open the columns of the age to promulgate the views of those who may oppose the execution of Geo. Cass." I shall deem it a personal favor if you will give it an insertion in your paper. Sam'l H. Price. Windsor. July 26, 1848

3. Thought insertion

LC Subject Headings (LCSH)
Alienation, Thought ; Inserted thoughts ; Insertion of thoughts ; Pressure of ideas ; Thought alienation ; Thought pressure
4. López-Silva, Pablo Intruders in the mind Oxford, United Kingdom; New York, NY: Oxford University Press; 2023

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 23177752

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