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1. Palmer, Alfred T. Transformer manufacture. When completed, this transformer will supply electric furnaces with the power needed to produce steel for Uncle Sam's ships and tanks and guns. The cooling coils pictured here are made of copper. A new process of forced oil cooling adds efficiency to these coilings; oil through these tubes at relatively high speed, cooling is greatly improved, and a larger lead current can be carried through the copper windings, thereby increasing the output of the transformer. Westinghouse, Sharon, Pennsylvania 1942 Feb

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19635863
2. Palmer, Alfred T. Transformer manufacture. Welding is an intrinsic part of the manufacture of transformers. This welder is employed by a large Eastern electrical company whose power transformers are needed by many factories engaged in war production. He's welding pipes on a power transformer tank. Westinghouse, Sharon, Pennsylvania 1942 Feb

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19635867
3. Palmer, Alfred T. Transformer manufacture. Welding is an intrinsic part of the manufacture of transformers. This welder is employed by a large Eastern electrical company whose power transformers are needed by many factories engaged in war production. He's welding cover flanges for steel transformer tanks. Westinghouse, Sharon, Pennsylvania 1942 Feb

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19635866
4. Palmer, Alfred T. Transformer manufacture. Welding is an intrinsic part of the manufacture of transformers. This welder is employed by a large Eastern electrical company whose power transformers are needed by many factories engaged in war production. He's welding pipes on a power transformer tank. Westinghouse, Sharon, Pennsylvania 1942 Feb

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19635868
5. Palmer, Alfred T. Transformer manufacture. These porcelain spirals are part of the works of a power transformer; transformers are essential to war production industries, and this employee of a large Eastern electrical company, working in the bushing section, is contributing essentially to Uncle Sam's war effort. Bushings are the tubes which hold the copper leads through which power flows both in and out of giant transformers. Westinghouse, Sharon, Pennsylvania 1942 Feb

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19635860
6. Palmer, Alfred T. Transformer manufacture. Part of a large Eastern electrical plant where large transformer tanks are shaped and welded. Power transformers are an important part of America's war effort. Westinghouse, Sharon, Pennsylvania 1942 Feb

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19635872
7. Palmer, Alfred T. Transformer manufacture. Before transformer coils are wound, condenser plates must be inspected. These transformers are vital to war production and are used to produce power in almost every phase of America's war effort. Westinghouse, Sharon, Pennsylvania 1942 Feb

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19635851
8. Palmer, Alfred T. Transformer manufacture. These porcelain spirals are part of the works of a power transformer; transformers are essential to war production industries, and this employee of a large Eastern electrical company, working in the bushing section, is contributing essentially to Uncle Sam's war effort. Bushings are the tubes which hold the copper leads through which power flows both in and out of giant transformers. Westinghouse, Sharon, Pennsylvania 1942 Feb

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19635861
9. Palmer, Alfred T. Transformer manufacture. Winding insulating tape on copper coils of a power transformer, these employees of a large Eastern electrical company are indirectly helping to supply America's armed forces with the ships, guns and tanks necessary to defeat the Axis. Transformers are essential to almost every phase of the armament program. Westinghouse, Sharon, Pennsylvania 1942 Feb

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19635850
10. Palmer, Alfred T. Transformer manufacture. Granddaddy to 57, Henry Bert (right) has been with a large Eastern electrical plant for almost half a century. Now he's as important to the war as though he were on the front line, for he's one of the many workers who manufacture transformers, essential to defense. He's shown here with a youthful employee checking transformer coils. Westinghouse, Sharon, Pennsylvania 1942 Feb

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19635841
11. Palmer, Alfred T. Transformer manufacture. The demand for power transformers has increased in America in direct ratio to the increase of war production. In this section of a large Eastern electrical plant, huge transformer coils are wound; this one may end up in a factory which is producing steel for Uncle Sam's ships and tanks and guns. Westinghouse, Sharon, Pennsylvania 1942 Feb

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19635847
12. Palmer, Alfred T. Transformer manufacture. Winding insulating tape on copper coils of a power transformer, this employee of a large Eastern electrical company is helping to supply America's armed forces with ships, guns and tanks necessary to defeat the Axis. Transformers are essential to almost every phase of the armament program. Westinghouse, Sharon, Pennsylvania 1942 Feb

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19635849
13. Palmer, Alfred T. Transformer manufacture. When completed, this transformer will supply electric furnaces with the power needed to produce steel for Uncle Sam's ships and tanks and guns. The cooling coils pictured here are made of copper. A new process of forced oil cooling adds efficiency to these coilings; oil through these tubes at relatively high speed, cooling is greatly improved, and a larger lead current can be carried through the copper windings, thereby increasing the output of the transformer. Westinghouse, Sharon, Pennsylvania

14. Palmer, Alfred T. Transformer manufacture. Checking stock of distribution transformer coils in large Eastern plant. With enormously increased production all over the country as a result of war contracts, these coils are intrinsically important to America's war program. Westinghouse, Sharon, Pennsylvania 1942 Feb

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19635830
15. Palmer, Alfred T. Transformer manufacture. Welding is an intrinsic part of the manufacture of transformers. This welder is employed by a large Eastern electrical company whose power transformers are needed by many factories engaged in war production. He's welding pipes on a power transformer tank. Westinghouse, Sharon, Pennsylvania

16. Palmer, Alfred T. Transformer manufacture. These porcelain spirals are part of the works of a power transformer; transformers are essential to war production industries, and this employee of a large Eastern electrical company, working in the bushing section, is contributing essentially to Uncle Sam's war effort. Bushings are the tubes which hold the copper leads through which power flows both in and out of giant transformers. Westinghouse, Sharon, Pennsylvania

17. Palmer, Alfred T. Transformer manufacture. Welding is an intrinsic part of the manufacture of transformers. This welder is employed by a large Eastern electrical company whose power transformers are needed by many factories engaged in war production. He's welding pipes on a power transformer tank. Westinghouse, Sharon, Pennsylvania

18. Palmer, Alfred T. Transformer manufacture. These porcelain spirals are part of the works of a power transformer; transformers are essential to war production industries, and this employee of a large Eastern electrical company, working in the bushing section, is contributing essentially to Uncle Sam's war effort. Bushings are the tubes which hold the copper leads through which power flows both in and out of giant transformers. Westinghouse, Sharon, Pennsylvania

19. Palmer, Alfred T. Transformer manufacture. Welding is an intrinsic part of the manufacture of transformers. This welder is employed by a large Eastern electrical company whose power transformers are needed by many factories engaged in war production. He's welding cover flanges for steel transformer tanks. Westinghouse, Sharon, Pennsylvania

20. The transformer Kampala: Published by the Transformers' Appreciation Awards Ltd. in conjunction with the Transformer Informative Ltd.

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 15840682

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