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1. Vergara, Camilo J. Alzheimer's poster designed for elderly Hispanics. "Has your memory changed for the worse?" Elton Grocery, Elton St. and New Lots Ave. During the pandemic, contact with the elderly became limited, in many cases preventing dementia specialists from providing early diagnosis and treatments. As reported in The Washington Post on September 16, 2020, social isolation at that time had caused some 13,200 more deaths in the US from dementia than expected, compared with previous years. Brooklyn September 2, 2022

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 22782803
2. Vergara, Camilo J. Alzheimer's poster designed for elderly Hispanics. "Has your memory changed for the worse?" Elton Grocery, Elton St. and New Lots Ave. During the pandemic, contact with the elderly became limited, in many cases preventing dementia specialists from providing early diagnosis and treatments. As reported in The Washington Post on September 16, 2020, social isolation at that time had caused some 13,200 more deaths in the US from dementia than expected, compared with previous years. Brooklyn

3. The new "pork pie" hat. Two Montenegrin peasant girls who called at the American Red Cross hospital at Nicsic where they visited relatives under American treatment for Typhus. The style of headgear they are wearing is known as the pork pie and is sort of a national style for both men and women. It is made of black cloth with a bright red center. The black symbolizes the grief of the country for its defeat at Kossovo many years ago by the Turks and the crimson signifies the sea of blood in which the "black mountain" country has been drenched ever since 9 January 1920 [date received]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19503375
4. Loaded for stray Austrians. The Comitage of Montenegro were the scourge of the invading Austrian forces. For two years they waged a relentless guerilla warfare on the enemy. This shows a group of the hillmen wearing uniforms and carrying equipment they captured. Many of them are now under treatment for old wounds at the American Red Cross Hospital in Montenegro 31 October 1919 [date received]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19502904
5. Saving lives with milk. The Junior Red Cross of America is aiding the Vassar College Unit in its efforts to reach the most needy and suffering among children of the French devastated regions. But for this aid in nourishment to these underfed children many of them would succumb quickly to tuberculosis which threatens them. After months and years of dragging out their days and dights in miserable, damp dug-outs, cellars and curmbling ruins, they respond slowly at first to the milk treatment. The American woman in the picture is Miss Alsa M. Butler of St. Louis. Mlle. Suzanne Duval, the French nurse, is connected with the Secours auz Blesses Militaires July 29, 1920 [date received]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19516745
6. Loaded for stray Austrians. The Comitage of Montenegro were the scourge of the invading Austrian forces. For two years they waged a relentless guerilla warfare on the enemy. This shows a group of the hillmen wearing uniforms and carrying equipment they captured. Many of them are now under treatment for old wounds at the American Red Cross Hospital in Montenegro

7. The new "pork pie" hat. Two Montenegrin peasant girls who called at the American Red Cross hospital at Nicsic where they visited relatives under American treatment for Typhus. The style of headgear they are wearing is known as the pork pie and is sort of a national style for both men and women. It is made of black cloth with a bright red center. The black symbolizes the grief of the country for its defeat at Kossovo many years ago by the Turks and the crimson signifies the sea of blood in which the "black mountain" country has been drenched ever since

8. Saving lives with milk. The Junior Red Cross of America is aiding the Vassar College Unit in its efforts to reach the most needy and suffering among children of the French devastated regions. But for this aid in nourishment to these underfed children many of them would succumb quickly to tuberculosis which threatens them. After months and years of dragging out their days and dights in miserable, damp dug-outs, cellars and curmbling ruins, they respond slowly at first to the milk treatment. The American woman in the picture is Miss Alsa M. Butler of St. Louis. Mlle. Suzanne Duval, the French nurse, is connected with the Secours auz Blesses Militaires

9. Gentleman, who has made shooting his favourite amusement upwards of twenty-six years in Great-Britain, Ireland, and North-America The sportman's companion, or, An essay on shooting Philadelphia: Printed for the purchasers; [1792]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 1186059
10. Gentleman, who has made shooting his favorite amusement upwards of twenty-six years, in Great-Britain, Ireland, and North-America The sportsman's companion, or, An essay on shooting Burlington: Printed by Isaac Neale; 1791

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 1217831

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