The Library of Congress > Linked Data Service
  Label Dataset Type Subdivision Identifier
1. Rijksuniversiteit te Utrecht. Herbarium. Miscellaneous publications of the University of Utrecht Herbarium

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 11346411
2. Rijksuniversiteit te Utrecht. Universiteitsmuseum. Mechanical instruments in the Utrecht University Museum

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 3191527
3. Rijksuniversiteit te Utrecht. Universiteitsmuseum. Electrostatical instruments in the Utrecht University Museum

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 3631531
4. International Simulation and Gaming Association. International Conference. (19th : 1988 : Department of Gamma-Informatics, Utrecht University) Simulation-gaming

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 1035355
5. GISDECO Seminar (1991 : Utrecht University) Possibilities and constraints of GIS applications in developing countries

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 1130183
6. Rijksuniversiteit te Utrecht. Bibliotheek. Spain, Portugal and Latin America

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 4084278
7. Thomas Instituut te Utrecht. Conference (6th : 2018 : Thomas Instituut te Utrecht) Initiation and mystagogy in Thomas Aquinas

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 22745956
8. Workshop on Postmodernism (1984 : University of Utrecht) Approaching postmodernism

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 1443937
9. Geometry Symposium (1980 : University of Utrecht) Geometry Symposium

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 1843675
10. Conference on Human Rights and Ethnic Conflicts (1998 : Utrecht University) Human rights and ethnic conflicts

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 12104583
11. Going Romance (Conference) (2011 : Utrecht University) Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 2011

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 17847416
12. Horst, K van der Illuminated and decorated medieval manuscripts in the University Library, Utrecht

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 3424332
13. Miscellaneous publications of the University of Utrecht Herbarium

14. The University fête at Utrecht

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 13053685
15. EMBO Workshop on Molecular Biology and Pathogenesis of Coronaviruses (1983 : State University of Utrecht) Molecular biology and pathogenesis of coronaviruses

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 3785971
16. JURIX 2003 (2003 : University of Utrecht) Legal knowledge and information systems

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 13388245
17. Critical Legal Conference : (2010 : Utrecht University) Law's environment

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 17056564
18. Conference on Pentecostal and Charismatic Research in Europe (5th : 1989 : Utrecht University) Experiences of the Spirit

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 4834170
19. Jongeneel, J. A. B. Utrecht University

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 17692045
20. Critical Legal Conference : (2010 : Utrecht University) Law's environment


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