The Library of Congress > Linked Data Service
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1. Visitors' overlook building at Kentucky Dam. This structure is in the form of an open shed because the other functions of TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority) visitors' buildings being accommodated in the nearby construction village, there was need for shelter only at this point. Since the project is in a hot climate, ample ventilation is promoted by the open front, a balustrade height opening toward the back underneath the display and grilles to ventilate the roof space. Most of the displays are arranged as transparencies, with natural illumination during the day, and with floodlights used as substitutes during the night between 1933 and 1945

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20077604
2. Visitors' overlook building at Kentucky Dam. This structure is in the form of an open shed because the other functions of TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority) visitors' buildings being accommodated in the nearby construction village, there was need for shelter only at this point. Since the project is in a hot climate, ample ventilation is promoted by the open front, a balustrade height opening toward the back underneath the display and grilles to ventilate the roof space. Most of the displays are arranged as transparencies, with natural illumination during the day, and with floodlights used as substitutes during the night

3. Public shelters

LC Classification (LCC)
Technology--Building construction--Heating and ventilation--Ventilation of buildings--Air conditioning, cooling, etc.--Special classes of building, A-Z--Public shelters ; Public shelters--Air conditioning
4. Atomic bomb shelters

LC Classification (LCC)
Technology--Building construction--Heating and ventilation--Heating of buildings--Special classes of building. By name, A-Z--Atomic bomb shelters ; Atomic bomb shelters--Heating and ventilation

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