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1. Hine, Lewis Wickes, 1874-1940 2 boys at the filling machine in Cannon's Cannery, Bridgeville, Del. These boys place cans in the grove to be filled with peas. Work 10 hours per day, and when there is a good supply of peas they work 15 hours a day. The small boy is 9 years of age, at work the first season. The larger boy is 12, working his 2nd season

2. Harris & Ewing Authors of Administration Minimum Wage and Maximum Hours of Work Bill. Washington, D.C. May 24. Senator Hugo L. Black, (left) democratic senator from Alabama and Chairman of the Senate Committee on Education and Labor, and Rep. William P. Connery Jr, of Massachusetts Chairman of the House Labor Committee, study the bills they introduce today in the Senate and [...] for enactment of a standard wage scale and [minim]um hours of work law. The bills were introduced [...] after President Roosevelt's address demanding [...w] was read to both Houses of Congress. [...] call for a minimum of 40 cents an hour [mini]mum hours comprimise a 35 to 40 hour work [week], 5/24/37 [19]37 May 24

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20248189
3. Hine, Lewis Wickes, 1874-1940 2 boys at the filling machine in Cannon's Cannery, Bridgeville, Del. These boys place cans in the grove to be filled with peas. Work 10 hours per day, and when there is a good supply of peas they work 15 hours a day. The small boy is 9 years of age, at work the first season. The larger boy is 12, working his 2nd season. 1910 June

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20685081
4. Palmer, Alfred T. Aircraft warning service. Mrs. E.V. Rickenbacker (second from left) watches as a group of volunteer airplane plotters at a filter center push markers into place. Recruited by the Office of Civilian Defense, the volunteers work in shifts of four to five hours, often coming to the center after a day's work at the office. The plotters report every second or third day, contributing many hours to their work than involved in less exacting civilian defense operations 1943 Mar

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19642476
5. Harris & Ewing Authors of Administration Minimum Wage and Maximum Hours of Work Bill. Washington, D.C. May 24. Senator Hugo L. Black, (left) democratic senator from Alabama and Chairman of the Senate Committee on Education and Labor, and Rep. William P. Connery Jr, of Massachusetts Chairman of the House Labor Committee, study the bills they introduce today in the Senate and [...] for enactment of a standard wage scale and [minim]um hours of work law. The bills were introduced [...] after President Roosevelt's address demanding [...w] was read to both Houses of Congress. [...] call for a minimum of 40 cents an hour [mini]mum hours comprimise a 35 to 40 hour work [week], 5/24/37

6. Hine, Lewis Wickes, 1874-1940 Two young spinners at the close of a week's work leaving the cotton mill in Easthampton, Mass. They work much longer hours than the burly tinsmith in photo #3033

7. Palmer, Alfred T. Aircraft warning service. Mrs. E.V. Rickenbacker (second from left) watches as a group of volunteer airplane plotters at a filter center push markers into place. Recruited by the Office of Civilian Defense, the volunteers work in shifts of four to five hours, often coming to the center after a day's work at the office. The plotters report every second or third day, contributing many hours to their work than involved in less exacting civilian defense operations

8. Hine, Lewis Wickes, 1874-1940 All these I saw regularly at work during work hours in Richmond Spinning Mills. Tiny girl on left, five years old, is Goldie, who helps her sister, girl back of her. When I tried to get a photo of her at work at her machine, the Overseer said, "Don't put her in. A photo of that might get me into a lot of trouble." I said, "But she isn't working, she's only helping." All the same" he replied, "if they caught her in here, they might fine me a hundred dollars." 1910 December

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20686827
9. Hine, Lewis Wickes, 1874-1940 All these I saw regularly at work during work hours in Richmond Spinning Mills. Tiny girl on left, five years old, is Goldie, who helps her sister, (the girl with hands on her shoulders). She is five years old. When I tried to get a photo of her at work at the machine, the Overseer said, "Don't put her in. A photo of that might get me into a lot of trouble." I said, "But she isn't working, she's only helping." All the same," he replied, "if they caught her in here, they might fine me a hundred dollars." 1910 December

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20686829
10. Hine, Lewis Wickes, 1874-1940 All these I saw regularly at work during work hours in Richmond Spinning Mills. Tiny girl on left, five years old, is Goldie, who helps her sister, girl back of her. When I tried to get a photo of her at work at her machine, the Overseer said, "Don't put her in. A photo of that might get me into a lot of trouble." I said, "But she isn't working, she's only helping." All the same" he replied, "if they caught her in here, they might fine me a hundred dollars." 1910 December

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20686828
11. Harris & Ewing 103 union presidents meet with Green to urge Congress to change WPA wage-hour rates. Washington, D.C., July 12. Leaders of the American Federation of Labor's national and international unions met today to plan methods of persuading Congress to restore old wage and hour rates of pay for WPA workers who now work 130 hours for the same pay they once received for as little as 55 hours a month. Here are Frank Morrison, Secretary-Treasurer of the AF of L, Herbert Rivers, Secretary and Treasurer of the Building and Construction Trades Department, and William Green, President of the AF of L photographed at the meeting this morning [19]39 July 12

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20256034
12. International Maritime Organization IMO/ILO guidelines for the development of tables of seafarers' shipboard working arrangements and formats of records of seafarers' hours of work or hours of rest London: IMO

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 11774484
13. Canada. Dept. of Labour. Legislation Branch. Provincial labor standards concerning child labour, holidays, hours of work, minimum wages, weekly rest-day and workmen's compensation. Ottawa

14. Hours of labor. Night work

LC Classification (LCC)
Law--United States (California)--Social legislation--Labor law--Labor standards--Hours of labor. Night work ; Hours of labor ; Night work
15. Hours of labor. Night work

LC Classification (LCC)
Law--United States (New York)--Social legislation--Labor law--Labor standards--Hours of labor. Night work ; Hours of labor ; Night work
16. Hours of labor. Night work

LC Classification (LCC)
Law--Law of Canada (Québec)--Social law and legislation--Labor law--Labor standards--Hours of labor. Night work ; Night work--Labor standards--Québec ; Hours of labor--Québec
17. IMO/ILO guidelines for the development of tables of seafarers' shipboard working arrangements and formats of records of seafarers' hours of work or hours of rest

18. Hine, Lewis Wickes, 1874-1940 Pete Trombetta, 10 years of age, 6th season of work. Salvatore Trombetta, 14 years of age, 8th season of work, picks 200 quarts of berries a day. Mary Trombetta, 11 years of age, 6th season, picks 100 quarts berries per day on Johnson's Farm, Seaford, Del. These children start picking at about 5:30 A.M. and continue until 6 P.M. in the evening. The padrone estimated that the family of 6 can make from $9 to $12 per day picking 12 to 13 hours. Edward F. Brown, Investigator. Seaford, Del. May 28, 1910 1910 May 28

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20686613
19. Delano, Jack, 1914-1997 [Untitled photo, possibly related to: Gibson, Indiana. Railroad workers go to work at all hours of the day and night. The clerk at the desk of the railroad YMCA (Young Men's Christian Association) knows when each man is due for work and here he is waking a man early in the afternoon] 1943 Jan

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20017625
20. Hine, Lewis Wickes, 1874-1940 [Cleo Campbell, 9 years old, picks 75 to 100 pounds of cotton a day. Expects to start school soon. Said: "I'd ruther go to school and then I wouldn't have ter work." Father said she and her sister begin about 6 A.M. and work until 6 or 7 P.M. with 1 1/2 hours off at noon. Lewis W. Hine. See 4590. See W.H. Swift Report.] 1916 October 16

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20689065

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