The Library of Congress > Linked Data Service
  Label Dataset Type Subdivision Identifier
1. Lange, Dorothea [Untitled photo, possibly related to: Migratory field worker picking cotton in San Joaquin Valley, California. These cotton pickers are being paid seventy-five cents per one hundred pounds. Strikers organizing under the Congress of Industrial Organizations union (CIO) demand one dollar. A good male picker, in good cotton, under favorable weather conditions, can pick about two hundred pounds in a day's work] 1938 Nov

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19887224
2. Lange, Dorothea Migratory field worker picking cotton in San Joaquin Valley, California. These pickers are paid seventy-five cents per hundred pounds of picked cotton. Strikers organizing under CIO union (Congress of Industrial Organizations) are demanding one dollar. A good male picker, in good cotton, under favorable weather conditions, can pick about two hundred pounds in a day's work 1938 Nov

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19887001
3. Lange, Dorothea [Untitled photo, possibly related to: Migratory field worker picking cotton in San Joaquin Valley, California. These pickers are paid seventy-five cents per hundred pounds of picked cotton. Strikers organizing under CIO union (Congress of Industrial Organizations) are demanding one dollar. A good male picker, in good cotton, under favorable weather conditions, can pick about two hundred pounds in a day's work] 1938 Nov

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19887003
4. Lange, Dorothea Migratory field worker picking cotton in San Joaquin Valley, California. These cotton pickers are being paid seventy-five cents per one hundred pounds. Strikers organizing under the Congress of Industrial Organizations union (CIO) demand one dollar. A good male picker, in good cotton, under favorable weather conditions, can pick about two hundred pounds in a day's work 1938 Nov

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19887217
5. Lange, Dorothea Migratory field worker picking cotton in San Joaquin Valley, California. These pickers are paid seventy-five cents per hundred pounds of picked cotton. Strikers organizing under CIO union (Congress of Industrial Organizations) are demanding one dollar. A good male picker, in good cotton, under favorable weather conditions, can pick about two hundred pounds in a day's work 1938 Nov

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19887005
6. Lange, Dorothea [Untitled photo, possibly related to: Migratory field worker picking cotton in San Joaquin Valley, California. These cotton pickers are being paid seventy-five cents per one hundred pounds. Strikers organizing under the Congress of Industrial Organizations union (CIO) demand one dollar. A good male picker, in good cotton, under favorable weather conditions, can pick about two hundred pounds in a day's work] 1938 Nov

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19887223
7. Lange, Dorothea [Untitled photo, possibly related to: Migratory field worker picking cotton in San Joaquin Valley, California. These pickers are paid seventy-five cents per hundred pounds of picked cotton. Strikers organizing under CIO union (Congress of Industrial Organizations) are demanding one dollar. A good male picker, in good cotton, under favorable weather conditions, can pick about two hundred pounds in a day's work] 1938 Nov

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19887007
8. Lange, Dorothea [Untitled photo, possibly related to: Migratory field worker picking cotton in San Joaquin Valley, California. These cotton pickers are being paid seventy-five cents per one hundred pounds. Strikers organizing under the Congress of Industrial Organizations union (CIO) demand one dollar. A good male picker, in good cotton, under favorable weather conditions, can pick about two hundred pounds in a day's work] 1938 Nov

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19887225
9. Lange, Dorothea Migratory field worker picking cotton in San Joaquin Valley, California. These pickers are paid seventy-five cents per hundred pounds of picked cotton. Strikers organizing under CIO union (Congress of Industrial Organizations) are demanding one dollar. A good male picker, in good cotton, under favorable weather conditions, can pick about two hundred pounds in a day's work 1938 Nov

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19887000
10. Lange, Dorothea [Untitled photo, possibly related to: Migratory field worker picking cotton in San Joaquin Valley, California. These cotton pickers are being paid seventy-five cents per one hundred pounds. Strikers organizing under the Congress of Industrial Organizations union (CIO) demand one dollar. A good male picker, in good cotton, under favorable weather conditions, can pick about two hundred pounds in a day's work] 1938 Nov

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19887220
11. Lange, Dorothea [Untitled photo, possibly related to: Migratory field worker picking cotton in San Joaquin Valley, California. These pickers are paid seventy-five cents per hundred pounds of picked cotton. Strikers organizing under CIO union (Congress of Industrial Organizations) are demanding one dollar. A good male picker, in good cotton, under favorable weather conditions, can pick about two hundred pounds in a day's work] 1938 Nov

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19887004
12. Lange, Dorothea [Untitled photo, possibly related to: Migratory field worker picking cotton in San Joaquin Valley, California. These cotton pickers are being paid seventy-five cents per one hundred pounds. Strikers organizing under the Congress of Industrial Organizations union (CIO) demand one dollar. A good male picker, in good cotton, under favorable weather conditions, can pick about two hundred pounds in a day's work] 1938 Nov

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19887222
13. Lange, Dorothea [Untitled photo, possibly related to: Migratory field worker picking cotton in San Joaquin Valley, California. These pickers are paid seventy-five cents per hundred pounds of picked cotton. Strikers organizing under CIO union (Congress of Industrial Organizations) are demanding one dollar. A good male picker, in good cotton, under favorable weather conditions, can pick about two hundred pounds in a day's work] 1938 Nov

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19887006
14. Lange, Dorothea Migratory field worker picking cotton in San Joaquin Valley, California. These pickers are paid seventy-five cents per hundred pounds of picked cotton. Strikers organizing under CIO union (Congress of Industrial Organizations) are demanding one dollar. A good male picker, in good cotton, under favorable weather conditions, can pick about two hundred pounds in a day's work

15. Lange, Dorothea [Untitled photo, possibly related to: Migratory field worker picking cotton in San Joaquin Valley, California. These cotton pickers are being paid seventy-five cents per one hundred pounds. Strikers organizing under the Congress of Industrial Organizations union (CIO) demand one dollar. A good male picker, in good cotton, under favorable weather conditions, can pick about two hundred pounds in a day's work]

16. Lange, Dorothea [Untitled photo, possibly related to: Migratory field worker picking cotton in San Joaquin Valley, California. These pickers are paid seventy-five cents per hundred pounds of picked cotton. Strikers organizing under CIO union (Congress of Industrial Organizations) are demanding one dollar. A good male picker, in good cotton, under favorable weather conditions, can pick about two hundred pounds in a day's work]

17. Lange, Dorothea [Untitled photo, possibly related to: Migratory field worker picking cotton in San Joaquin Valley, California. These cotton pickers are being paid seventy-five cents per one hundred pounds. Strikers organizing under the Congress of Industrial Organizations union (CIO) demand one dollar. A good male picker, in good cotton, under favorable weather conditions, can pick about two hundred pounds in a day's work]

18. Lange, Dorothea [Untitled photo, possibly related to: Migratory field worker picking cotton in San Joaquin Valley, California. These pickers are paid seventy-five cents per hundred pounds of picked cotton. Strikers organizing under CIO union (Congress of Industrial Organizations) are demanding one dollar. A good male picker, in good cotton, under favorable weather conditions, can pick about two hundred pounds in a day's work]

19. Lange, Dorothea [Untitled photo, possibly related to: Migratory field worker picking cotton in San Joaquin Valley, California. These cotton pickers are being paid seventy-five cents per one hundred pounds. Strikers organizing under the Congress of Industrial Organizations union (CIO) demand one dollar. A good male picker, in good cotton, under favorable weather conditions, can pick about two hundred pounds in a day's work]

20. Lange, Dorothea Migratory field worker picking cotton in San Joaquin Valley, California. These pickers are paid seventy-five cents per hundred pounds of picked cotton. Strikers organizing under CIO union (Congress of Industrial Organizations) are demanding one dollar. A good male picker, in good cotton, under favorable weather conditions, can pick about two hundred pounds in a day's work


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