The Library of Congress > Linked Data Service
  Label Dataset Type Subdivision Identifier
1. Bransby, David Production. Aircraft. Setting up aluminum castings for X-ray in a large Western aircraft plant. Each one is numbered and, unless the X-ray film shows it's flawless, the part will go to the salvage scrap heap 1942 June

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19638220
2. Bransby, David Production. Aircraft. Here's one good reason why refrigerator freezing trays and other aluminum gadgets are out for the duration. On trays in the background are hundreds of aluminum castings going into Lockheed bombers and fighters. Every prime casting is "explored" in a huge X-ray camera like the one seen here. On X-ray film, flaws that might cause failure of these vital parts show up plainly to the expert eye, and the part is discarded 1942 June

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19638219
3. Bransby, David Production. Aircraft. Here's one good reason why refrigerator freezing trays and other aluminum gadgets are out for the duration. On trays in the background are hundreds of aluminum castings going into Lockheed bombers and fighters. Every prime casting is "explored" in a huge X-ray camera like the one seen here. On X-ray film, flaws that might cause failure of these vital parts show up plainly to the expert eye, and the part is discarded

4. Bransby, David Production. Aircraft. Setting up aluminum castings for X-ray in a large Western aircraft plant. Each one is numbered and, unless the X-ray film shows it's flawless, the part will go to the salvage scrap heap

5. Bransby, David Production. Aircraft. An aluminum casting, placed on an X-ray film-holder, ready to be photographed in the test laboratory of a big Western aircraft plant. The numeral figures being placed on the film are made of lead and will stop the X-ray beam. A clean, sharp number is left on the film for future identification of the part 1942 June

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19638221
6. Fant, Gunnar Acoustic theory of speech production with calculations based on X-ray studies of Russian articulations The Hague: Mouton; 1970

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 1320890
7. Palmer, Alfred T. Production. Making boilers. Great care is taken in producing steam boilers for the Army in a big Midwest plant. A defect detected by X-ray examination of the steel is chipped out by an air hammer 1942 Jan

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19637068
8. Palmer, Alfred T. Production. Steam power plant equipment. Grinding a girth seam on a high-pressure boiler drum in preparation for X-ray inspection. Steam boilers and other power-house equipment to supplement the hydroelectric installations of the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) system are produced in the large Chattanooga shops of the Combustion Engineering Company 1942 June

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19641081
9. Bransby, David Production. Aircraft. An aluminum casting, placed on an X-ray film-holder, ready to be photographed in the test laboratory of a big Western aircraft plant. The numeral figures being placed on the film are made of lead and will stop the X-ray beam. A clean, sharp number is left on the film for future identification of the part

10. Terrill, H. M. (Harold Morlock), 1890-1945 X-ray technology New York: D. Van Nostrand company, inc; 1930

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 8278053
11. Palmer, Alfred T. Production. Making boilers. Great care is taken in producing steam boilers for the Army in a big Midwest plant. A defect detected by X-ray examination of the steel is chipped out by an air hammer

12. Palmer, Alfred T. Production. Steam power plant equipment. Grinding a girth seam on a high-pressure boiler drum in preparation for X-ray inspection. Steam boilers and other power-house equipment to supplement the hydroelectric installations of the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) system are produced in the large Chattanooga shops of the Combustion Engineering Company

13. Fant, Gunnar Acoustic theory of speech production with calculations based on X-ray studies of Russian articulations

14. General Levy (Musician), 1971- Weprogressive [France]: X-Ray Production, Socadisc; p2011

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20482485
15. Entourloop (Musical group) La clarté dans la confusion [France]: X-Ray Production; [2022]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 23213387
16. Bazil (Musician) Grow [France]: X-Ray Production; [2019]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 21629352
17. Biga*Ranx, 1988- Remix On time [Paris, France]: X-Ray Production

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20868250
18. Biga*Ranx, 1988- On time Paris: X-Ray Production

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20869483
19. Soom T. The arch [France]: X-Ray Production; [2020]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 22141812
20. Tambour Battant (Musical group) Galore [France]: X-Ray Production; [2019]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 22352288

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