The Library of Congress > Linked Data Service
  Label Dataset Type Subdivision Identifier

Preservation Vocabs (all)
Authority tiger
2. Whirlpool

Preservation Vocabs (all)
Authority whirl
3. MD5

Preservation Vocabs (all)
Authority md5
4. SHA-1

Preservation Vocabs (all)
Authority sha1
5. MNP

Preservation Vocabs (all)
Authority mnp
6. CRC32

Preservation Vocabs (all)
Authority crc32
7. Adler-32

Preservation Vocabs (all)
Authority adler
8. SHA-256

Preservation Vocabs (all)
Authority sha256
9. SHA-512

Preservation Vocabs (all)
Authority sha512

Preservation Vocabs (all)
Authority haval
11. SHA-384

Preservation Vocabs (all)
Authority sha384
12. unknown

Preservation Vocabs (all)
Authority unk

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