The Library of Congress > Linked Data Service > LC Demographic Group Terms (LCDGT)


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  • Sources

    • found: Work cat.: Kâsımzâde Seyyid Mehmed Emin Efendi. Dîvân-ı ilâhiyât, 2012:p. vii (followed the Sufi path; he was a Sufi; left us a book of Islamic poetry)
    • found: LCSH, Mar. 24, 2016(Sufis. BT Sufism)
    • found: Merriam-Webster dictionary online, Mar. 24, 2016(Sufi: a member of a Muslim group of people who try to experience God directly especially by praying and meditating; a Muslim mystic)
    • found: Cambridge dictionaries online, Mar. 24, 2016(Sufi: a member of an Islamic religious group that tries to become united with God by living a simple life and by praying and meditating)
    • found: Oxford dictionaries online, Mar. 24, 2016(Sufi (plural Sufis) A Muslim ascetic and mystic)
    • found: Macmillan dictionary online, Mar. 24, 2016(Sufi: a member of an Islamic religious group whose aim is to communicate directly with God and to understand spiritual mysteries)
    • found: Encyc. Britannica online, Mar. 24, 2016(Sufism: mystical Islamic belief and practice in which Muslims seek to find the truth of divine love and knowledge through direct personal experience of God. It consists of a variety of mystical paths that are designed to ascertain the nature of humanity and of God and to facilitate the experience of the presence of divine love and wisdom in the world. Islamic mysticism is called taṣawwuf (literally, "to dress in wool") in Arabic, but it has been called Sufism in Western languages since the early 19th century. An abstract word, Sufism derives from the Arabic term for a mystic, ṣūfī, which is in turn derived from ṣūf, "wool," plausibly a reference to the woollen garment of early Islamic ascetics. The Sufis are also generally known as "the poor," fuqarāʾ, plural of the Arabic faqīr, in Persian darvīsh, whence the English words fakir and dervish.)
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  • Change Notes

    • 2016-03-24: new
    • 2016-08-11: revised
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