The Library of Congress > Linked Data Service > LC Demographic Group Terms (LCDGT)


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  • Sources

    • found: Work cat.: Kim, Ŭn-ju. A thousand miles to freedom : my escape from North Korea, 2015:p. 12 (In my quest for liberty and freedom, I have finally reached South Korea, after a nine-year journey across China and Mongolia. Here in Seoul, I have a passport. I no longer have to live in hiding, and I have built a new life for myself) pp. 49-50 (As we became more and more desperate for food, my mom started to think about the unthinkable: fleeing the country. She began planning to escape from North Korea ... We were going to become defectors)
    • found: LCSH, Dec. 8, 2016(Defectors. UF Defectionists; Turncoats. BT Political refugees)
    • found: Cambridge dictionary online, Dec. 8, 2016(defector: a person who leaves his or her own country or group to join an opposing one)
    • found: Oxford English dictionaries website, Dec. 8, 2016(defector: A person who has abandoned their country or cause in favour of an opposing one. Synonyms: deserter, turncoat, traitor, rebel, renegade, tergiversator, apostate, recreant, judas, quisling)
    • found: Collins English dictionary website, Dec. 8, 2016(defector: A defector is someone who leaves their country, political party, or other group, and joins an opposing country, party, or group. Synonyms: deserter, renegade, turncoat; defectionist: a person who is in favour of lapsing, backsliding, or defection)
    • found: Merriam-Webster thesaurus website, Dec. 8, 2016(defector: a person who abandons a cause or organization usually without right <the defector demanded political asylum in exchange for information about his nation's spying operations> Synonyms: apostate, renegade, deserter, recreant)
    • found: Behnke, A. Kim Jong Il's North Korea, ©2008, via Google books, viewed Dec. 8, 2016:glossary (defector: a person who leaves his or her country in favor of a nation that holds different--or, frequently, opposing--views. A person who leaves North Korea because he or she disagrees with the Kim regime or with the juche philosophy is a defector, while a person who flees to escape persecution is a refugee.)
    • found: What is a refugee, via USA for UNHCR website, Apr. 5, 2016:Who is a refugee? (A refugee is someone who has been forced to flee his or her country because of persecution, war, or violence. A refugee has a well-founded fear of persecution for reasons of race, religion, nationality, political opinion or membership in a particular social group. Most likely, they cannot return home or are afraid to do so. War and ethnic, tribal and religious violence are leading causes of refugees fleeing their countries.) Who is an asylum seeker? (When people flee their own country and seek sanctuary in another country, they apply for asylum - the right to be recognized as a refugee and receive legal protection and material assistance. An asylum seeker must demonstrate that his or her fear of persecution in his or her home country is well-founded.)
    • notfound: The international thesaurus of refugee terminology, via WWW, Dec. 8, 2016;Thesaurus for the social sciences, via WWW, Dec. 8, 2016;The concise Oxford dictionary of politics, 2009, viewed online Dec. 8, 2016
  • Instance Of

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  • Change Notes

    • 2016-12-07: new
    • 2022-01-31: revised
  • Alternate Formats