The Library of Congress > Linked Data Service > LC Genre/Form Terms (LCGFT)


  • Traditional narratives that are popularly regarded as historical and that generally feature famous or heroic people.
  • URI(s)

  • Form

    • Legends
  • Broader Terms

  • Closely Matching Concepts from Other Schemes

  • Sources

    • found: Morner, K. NTC's dictionary of literary terms, c1991(Legend: A story, part fact and part fiction, about the life and deeds of a saint, folk hero, or historical figure, that is handed down from generation to generation and is popularly accepted as true. A legend differs from a myth in concerning itself less with the supernatural.)
    • found: Ruse, C. The Cassell dictionary of literary and language terms, 1992(Legend: an anonymous tale about a famous and heroic man or woman that has been handed down as part of oral tradition. The truth behind the story is impossible to affirm and the stories would be changed according to the imagination and interest of the storyteller. As time progressed, these legends became exaggerated and farfetched)
    • found: GSAFD, 2000(Legends. Use for works of traditional narrative, especially those handed down from early times and popularly regarded as historical. Legends are generally about an individual figure, e.g. Robin Hood, the Flying Dutchman, Faust.)
  • General Notes

    • Traditional narratives that are popularly regarded as historical and that generally feature famous or heroic people.
  • Instance Of

  • Scheme Membership(s)

  • Collection Membership(s)

  • Change Notes

    • 2014-12-01: new
    • 2015-12-14: revised
  • Alternate Formats