found: Work cat.: Cranium, 1998:back of box (Cranium is the hip, new, outrageously fun board game that brings friends together...)
found: Art & architecture thesaurus online, Mar. 8, 2017(board games (game sets). Game sets for activities that involve the moving of game pieces across a gameboard; BT card, table and board game sets)
found: Thesaurus for graphic materials, via WWW, Mar. 8, 2017(Board games; BT Games; NT Backgammon; Checkers; Chess; Mah jong)
found: Merriam-Webster online, Mar. 8, 2017(Board game; a game of strategy (as checkers, chess, or backgammon) played by moving pieces on a board)
notfound: ERIC thesaurus ;Genre terms : a thesaurus for use in rare book and special collections cataloging