found: Art & architecture thesaurus online, March 20, 2017(Visual Works (hierarchy name); Note: The Visual Works hierarchy contains terms for items, including works of art and any objects that occupy space, are perceived by the sense of sight, and are created, rather than naturally occurring. This hierarchy focuses especially on works conveying a symbolic or expressive meaning or an aesthetic experience, such as pictorial and sculptural works, and time-based works such as performance art.
found: Art & architecture thesaurus online, March 20, 2017(visual works (works); Note: Works of art and any objects that occupy space, are perceived by the sense of sight, and are created, rather than naturally occurring. Of special interest are those objects conveying a symbolic or expressive meaning or an aesthetic experience, although visual works are not limited only to such works. Visual works include pictorial and sculptural works, as well as time-based works such as performance art. They also include utilitarian objects of the type collected or valued by museums or individuals. Visual works do not include the performing arts.)
found: Thesaurus for graphic materials, March 20, 2017("(Visual works)" used as qualifier on Scrolls (Visual works), Studies (Visual works), Marines (Visual works), Pastels (Visual works), etc.)