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Graphic medicine (Comics)

  • Comics that feature medical personnel, the practice of medicine and the experience of illness.
  • URI(s)

  • Form

    • Graphic medicine (Comics)
  • Variants

    • Graphic illness narratives (Comics)
    • Graphic pathographies (Comics)
    • Health care comics
    • Healthcare comics
    • Medical comics
  • Broader Terms

  • Closely Matching Concepts from Other Schemes

  • Earlier Established Forms

    • Medical comics
  • Sources

    • found: Work cat.: Vanistendael, J. When David lost his voice, 2012(fictional graphic novel about a patient with cancer of the larynx)
    • found: Cazot, V. About Betty's boob, 2018(comic fictional graphic novel about a breast cancer and mastectomy patient)
    • found: Cunningham, D. Psychiatric tales : eleven graphic stories about mental illness, 2011.
    • found: Czerwiec, MK. Graphic medicine manifesto, 2015:p. 104 (medical comics) p. 133 (healthcare comics) p. 4 of cover (graphic medicine narratives; offer patients, family members, physicians, and other caregivers new ways to experience and work with the complex challenges of the medical experience)
    • found: Graphic medicine, via Thomas Jefferson University Scott Memorial Library website, Aug. 10, 2018:home (graphic novels on medical themes; stories invite readers to understand and empathize with patients and their caregivers) What is graphic medicine? (graphic novels, comics, and visual storytelling in medical education, patient care, and other applications related to healthcare and the life sciences; may be published in print or on the web, as a book, a series, or a single comic strip)
    • found: Graphic medicine, via National Library of Medicine website, viewed Mar. 9, 2022("graphic medicine--the intersection of comics and personal narrative"; "the graphic novel format used for personal stories of illnesses, known as graphic medicine"; "the field of Graphic Medicine, focusing on the use of comics as a medium for communicating stories about medicine and the experience of illness")
    • found: Graphic medicine, via Penn State University Press website, viewed Mar. 9, 2022("comics as a resource for communicating about medicine and health"; "Graphic Medicine series focused on the publication of self-reflective 'graphic pathographies'"; titles in this series include both nonfiction and fictional graphic medicine titles, like "A thousand colored castles" about a fictional character with Charles Bonnet syndrome)
    • found: Williams, I. What is "graphic medicine"?, via Graphic Medicine website, viewed Mar. 9, 2022("intersection between the medium of comics and the discourse of healthcare"; term coined by Dr. Ian Williams in 2007; examples include "graphic memoirs of illness, educational comics for both students and patients" and other fictional and nonfiction comics related to healthcare)
    • found: Annals graphic medicine, via Annals of Internal Medicine website, viewed Mar. 9, 2022("Annals Graphic Medicine brings together original graphic narratives, comics, animation/feature, and other creative forms by those who provide or receive health care. They address medically relevant topics--be they poignant, thought-provoking, or just plain entertaining;" examples include both fictional comics like "The Endless Battle" and nonfiction comics like "The Hospital Makes It Hard to Speak Up for Myself")
    • found: Venkatesan, S. Rhetorics of the visual : graphic medicine, comics and its affordances, in Rupkatha journal on interdisciplinary studies in humanities, vol. 8, no. 3 (2016):p. 22 ("graphic medicine" as "comics dealing with the patient experience of illness or caring for others with an illness" and "'comics' distinctive engagement with an performance of illness experience'"; can be autobiographical or "address various socio-cultural issues impinging health care such as medical negligence; the vexed doctor-patient relationship; industrialism of health care; patient identity; role of insurance providers; challenges of caretaking; demands of being a doctor in a commercialized healthcare sector, among others"; "graphic illness narratives")
    • found: El Refaie, E. Visual metaphor and embodiment in graphic illness narratives, 2019(summary: "graphic illness narratives (book-length stories about disease in the comics medium") t.o.c. ("graphic pathographies") p. 99 (analyses include fictional graphic medicine narratives like "The inflatable woman" about a zookeeper who develops breast cancer) p. 118 (analyses also include nonfiction graphic medicine narratives like "Our cancer year" by Harvey Pekar and Joyce Brabner)
    • found: Google, viewed Mar. 9, 2022("medical comics" 42,300 results; "graphic medicine" 101,000 results)
    • found: PubMed, viewed Mar. 9, 2022("medical comics" 4 results; "graphic medicine" 267 results)
  • General Notes

    • Comics that feature medical personnel, the practice of medicine and the experience of illness.
  • History Notes

    • [Heading changed from Medical comics to Graphic medicine (Comics) in May 2022.]
  • Instance Of

  • Scheme Membership(s)

  • Collection Membership(s)

  • Change Notes

    • 2018-10-22: new
    • 2022-05-26: revised
  • Alternate Formats