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Regimental histories

  • URI(s)

  • Form

    • Regimental histories
  • Variants

    • Battalion histories
    • Histories, Battalion
    • Histories, Military unit
    • Histories, Regimental
    • Military unit histories
    • Unit histories, Military
  • Broader Terms

  • Sources

    • found: Work cat.: Burns, John C., Lt. Tropic lightning : a history of the 25th Infantry Division, 1969?(OCoLC)4525157
    • found: LCSH, Feb. 7, 2024(Regimental histories. USE subdivision Regimental histories under individual wars, e.g. United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865--Regimental histories; World War, 1939-1945--Regimental histories; and names of individual military units)
    • found: Elsbury, Will. Civil War regimental histories : a guide to finding unit information, 2019, via Library of Congress research guides website, Feb. 7, 2024(Regimental histories are valuable research sources that offer a unique perspective for the study of the Civil War. They provide details on the organization and achievements of a particular unit, focusing on wartime activities. A regimental history can provide context and clarity to the personal history of an individual soldier for a researcher) -
    • found: Bangor Public Library website, Feb. 7, 2024:Home > World War collections > Regimental histories (our collection of World War II regimental histories)
    • found: Organizational history, 1999, via U.S. Army Center of Military History website, Feb. 7, 2024:p. v (Organizational history is the record of a military unit's entire past; commanders at all echelons are charged with the responsibility of establishing and maintaining organizational history programs) p. 8 (unit histories; many excellent histories have been prepared and made available to unit members, former members, and the public at large. As may be expected, unit histories will vary considerably for a number of reasons. A division- or regimental-sized organization, with its greater resources, may be able to prepare a historical work of greater quality and appeal than a smaller unit) p. 9 (The largest collection of Army unit histories, is maintained by the U.S. Army Military History Institute; another large collection of published unit histories is located in the New York Public Library) p. 10 (Unit histories are not official publications of the Department of the Army and are not subject to review or revision by the Center of Military History) p. 11 (the more interesting and successful unit histories generally have devoted their contents to the following matters, approximately to the extent indicated: 1. The general history of the unit, its connection with a state or geographic area of any sort, its age, and some of its more important assignments and stations 10% 2. The accomplishments of the unit, particularly in battle; its battle honors and decorations; citations for gallantry and for successfully completing missions 50% 3. Noteworthy former members including Medal of Honor winners and other individuals decorated, prominent former commanders, and veterans who achieved distinction in military or civilian life 10% 4. Symbols, both tangible and intangible, such as distinctive insignia, the designations and nicknames given the outfit, battle streamers, unit ceremonies and customs, unit marches and songs, and unique or unusual trophies and historical properties 15% 5. Current mission and importance of unit, stressing the part it will play in battle, the need for team play, hard work, and courage in carrying out its mission 10% 6. Advantages to the individual soldier in being a member, including fraternal aspects, career advancement, etc. (Treatment here will greatly depend upon the type of organization, Regular Army, National Guard, Army Reserve, service, or combat.) 5%)
    • found: Orr, Timothy J. Regimental histories, via Virginia Center for Civil War Studies at Virginia Tech Essential Civil War curriculum website, Feb. 7, 2024(Regimental histories were--and still are--a popular subgenre of Civil War history. They catalog a regiment's campaigns by describing its organization, personnel, training, battle action, and casualties. Although each author's style differs, regimental histories usually follow a lengthy, sentimentalist narrative. Not every regiment created its own history, but thousands did so, and together, they forged the first major attempt by veterans to control the commemoration of the war; Although the last confirmed Civil War veteran died in 1956, unit histories continued to be published in the twentieth- and twenty-first centuries. By that point, they belonged to the realm of professional historians, and they remain so to this day. Modern regimental histories are more analytical than their nineteenth century counterparts and attempt to incorporate social history into their narratives)
    • found: Grieves, Keith. Making sense of the Great War: regimental histories, 1918-23, in Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research, spring 1991:p. 6 (the early emergence of unit histories as a coherent genre which dominated the written response to war in the first five years of peace; this distinctive genre; unit histories were highly variable in quality, but were intent on illuminating the war record of battalions, regiments, brigades and divisions at the end of a period of sustained military activity) p. 7 (the constantly changing lists of officers highlighted a further purpose of regimental histories. There were barely any similarities between the officer compositions of each battalion in 1918 as compared to 1915. Therefore the book served the purpose of demonstrating the continuity of service of a unit through a description of its movements which few officers could have appreciated at the time of their service) p. 11 (battalion histories)
    • found: Many roads to freedom: regimental histories and official records, via Monroe County Library System website, Feb. 7, 2024(regimental histories, written by Civil War soldiers or their relatives or friends to document and commemorate the war experience. A regimental history is only one source of information about the activities of any particular unit, but it does offer the unique perspective of one soldier or group of soldiers)
  • History Notes

    • [Established June 2024.]
  • Instance Of

  • Scheme Membership(s)

  • Collection Membership(s)

  • Change Notes

    • 2024-02-07: new
    • 2024-06-12: revised
  • Alternate Formats