found: A text-book of neuropathology, 1933:t.p. (Arthur Weil, M.D.; assoc. prof. of neuropath., Northwestern Univ. Med. Sch., Chicago, Ill.)
found: LC/NLM files, Jan. 25, 2000:(hdg.: Weil, Arthur, 1887-)
found: Weil, Arthur. Die innere Sekretion, 1922:t.p. (Dr. Arthur Weil, ehem. Privatdozent der Physiologie an der Universität Halle, Arzt am Institut für Sexualwissenschaft, Berlin)
found: Journal of neuropathology and experimental neurology, v. 29, 1970:p. 1-3 (Arthur Weil, 1887-1969; b. Braunschweig on Oct. 3, 1887; d. Munich May 9, 1969; got doctorate in medicine from the University of Halle in 1917; asst. to Abderhalden at Halle until 1922, then moved to the New York; "physiological chemist and endocrinologist who had educated himself in neuropathology"; 1928 went to Chicago as member of the Neurological Institute of Northwestern University; in 1944 returned to New York where he was a research associate at Mt. Sinai Hospital and consultant to the Veteran's Administration)