- Witmore, Mike
Identifies LC/NAF RWO
Identifies RWO
Birth Date
- 1967-05-03
Has Affiliation
- Organization: Vassar College
Has Affiliation
- Organization: University of California, Berkeley
Has Affiliation
- Organization: (naf) Carnegie-Mellon University
Has Affiliation
- Organization: University of Wisconsin--Madison
Has Affiliation
- Affiliation Start: 2011-07-01
- Organization: Folger Shakespeare Library
Associated Language
- English
Field of Activity
(aat) Education
(aat) Teaching
(aat) Humanities
(aat) Literature (discipline)
(aat) Rhetoric
(aat) Directors (administrators)
(aat) Scholars
(aat) Teachers
Exact Matching Concepts from Other Schemes
Closely Matching Concepts from Other Schemes
- found: Witmore, Michael. Culture of accidents, 2001:CIP t.p. (Michael Witmore)
- found: Childhood and children's books in early modern Europe, 1550-1800, 2005:ECIP t.p. (Michael Witmore) data view (b. May 3, 1967)
- found: Shakespeare and early modern religion, 2015:t.p. (edited by Michael Witmore)
- found: Folger Shakespeare Library website, viewed 2016-05-03(Dr. Witmore was appointed the seventh director of the Folger on July 1, 2011. He was formerly professor of English at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and before that he served as associate professor of English and assistant professor of English at Carnegie Mellon University. The recipient of numerous fellowships, he has held an Andrew Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship at the University of California, Los Angeles, a research fellowship and a curatorial residency fellowship at the Folger, and a predoctoral fellowship at the Max-Planck-Institut fü̈r Wissenschaftsgeschichte in Berlin. Dr. Witmore earned an A.B. in English at Vassar College, and an M.A. and Ph.D. in rhetoric at the University of California, Berkeley)
- found: INT's ENLIGHTENMENT MINUTES, viewed 2016-05-03(Folger Shakespeare Director Mike Witmore)
Instance Of
Scheme Membership(s)
Collection Membership(s)
Change Notes
- 2001-05-24: new
- 2016-05-06: revised
Alternate Formats