found: Introduction to quantum fields on a lattice, 2002:CIP t.p. (Jan Smit) data sheet (b. Sept. 16, 1943)
found: International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (1992 : University of Amsterdam). Lattice 92, c1993:t.p. (J. Smit, Inst. for Theor. Physics, Univ. of Amsterdam) p. v (Jan Smit)
found: OCLC, Sept. 27, 2018(access points: Smit, J.; Smit, J. (Jan); Smit, Jan; Smit, Jan, 1943- ; usage: Jan Smit [latest]; J. Smit)
found: Jan Smit home page, Sept. 27, 2018(Jan Smit; Prof. dr. J. Smit; retired from the Institute for Theoretical Physics of the University of Amsterdam in 2008; research interests: Particle physics and cosmology, quantum fields in and out of equilibrium, numerical simulations of quantum fields) -