found: Toader, Tudorel. Codul penal și legile speciale, c2007:t.p. (prof. univ. dr. Tudorel Toader)
found: Constituția României reflectată în jurisprudența constituțională, 2011:t.p. (prof. univ. dr. Tudorel Toader, judecător la Curtea Constituțională) spine (T. Toader)
found: The Dialogue of Constitutional Judges, 2016:ECIP data view (b. March 25, 1960)
found: His website, viewed May 25, 2016(Professor Ph.D. Tudorel TOADER, Dean of the Faculty of Law, University "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" of Iasi (since 2004), Judge of the Constitutional Court of Romania (since 2006), Member of the Venice Commission, Date of birth 25 March 1960) -