found: Śrautoktarudravimarśaḥ, 2015.
found: Walker, Benjamin. Hindu world, 1983-volume 2 (Rudra, "howler", "roarer", "the terrible", "the ruddy one" was a Vedic deity of many aspects. Rudra's essential importance lies in the fact that in later mythology he evolved into Śiva and grew to great prominence in the the Hindu pantheon. Generally the name Rudra when applied to Śiva denotes Śiva's destructive character)
found: Stutley, Margaret. Dictionary of Hinduism, 1986:page 253 (Rudra, the Vedic god of the tempest, whose characteristics, thunder and lightning, are represented by their respective epithets, "Roarer" and "Red or flashing one", both of which are derived from a common root "rud".)