found: Author's Great ideas of modern mathematics, 1959.
found: Info. from N. Delhi Office(Jagjit Singh; b. 5/15/12)
found: His The world of science and technology in 2000 A.D., 1979:t.p. (Jagjit Singh) 1st prelim p. (Founder, Operations Research Movement, Indian Rlys.; fellow, Royal Statis., Soc., London; member, Indian Stat. Inst., Calcutta, and Inst. of Mathematical Studies, N.C., USA; 1st Asian to receive the Kalinga prize)
found: His Memoirs of a mathematician, 1980:t.p. (Jagjit Singh) p. 115 (General manager, S.E. Rly., Calcutta)
found: Wikipedia, Sept. 30, 2010(Jagjit Singh (1912-2002))