found: His Spatial organization ... 1971.
found: Geography's inner worlds, c1992:CIP t.p. (Ronald F. Abler) data sheet (b. 1939) galley (exec. dir. of Assn. of Amer. Geog. in Wash. D.C.; prof. of geog. at Penn. St. Univ.)
found: The geography of intercommunications systems, 1968:t.p. (Ronald Francis Abler, Ph.D.) UMI t.p. (Abler, Ronald Francis, 1939-)
found: Digital dissertations, Dec. 9, 2009(Abler, Ronald Francis, Ph. D., University of Minnesota, 1968--The geography of intercommunications systems)
found: Wikipedia, French version, viewed Feb. 7, 2017(Ronald F. Abler; Ronald Francis Abler (also Ron Abler); American geographer, born 30 May 1939 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin; active in American and international geographic institutions since 1976; president of AAG until 1998; since 1996, is at the head of the International Geographical Union (UGI/IGU), vice president 1996-2000, then general secretary and treasurer 2000-2006, president since 2008)