found: His Die hartseerwals, 1965.
found: SANB correspondence with author, December 12, 1973(full name: Aucamp, Hendrik Christoffel Lourens; date of birth: January 20, 1934)
found: Koffer in Berlyn, 2013:title page (Hennie Aucamp)
found: Human & Rousseau WWW site, Sept. 18, 2013:Authors (Hendrik Christoffel Lourens (Hennie) Aucamp is a South African writer and poet who gained prominence as an academic, playwright, short story and cabaret writer. He was born January 20, 1934 in Dordrecht in the Eastern Cape. He studied at the Universities of Stellenbosch, Leuven (Belgium) and Colombia (New York). He worked at the Faculty of Education of the University of Stellenbosch for thirty years. He retired in 1994) -
found: Rapport, March 23, 2014:page (Hennie Aucamp died March 20, 2014)
found: Om Hennie Aucamp te onthou, 2015:t.p. (Danie Botha) Cover p. 4 (The beloved and celebrated writer Henny died on March 21, 2014, only two months after his 80th birthday)