found: David Soul, c1977 (a.e.)some captions (David Soul)
found: Internet movie database(birth name, David Richard Solberg; b. 28 August 1943, Chicago)
found: OCLC, Dec. 5, 2008(hdg.: Soul, David; usage: David Soul; D. Soul)
found: Washington post WWW site, viewed January 8, 2024(in obituary dated January 5, 2024: David Soul, an actor and singer who partnered with Paul Michael Glaser to star in the 1970s action series "Starsky & Hutch," scored a No. 1 hit with the pop ballad "Don't Give Up on Us" and went on to an eclectic show-business career, died Jan. 4 at 80. Mr. Soul moved to Britain in the mid-1990s. David Richard Solberg was born in Chicago on Aug. 28, 1943)