found: The American family ... c1978 (a.e.)t.p. (David Reiss, Geo. Wash. Univ.)
found: Biog. dir. of the Amer. Psychiatric Assoc., 1977(David Reiss, b. 8/19/37)
found: Dei geteilte Konstruktion der Wirklichkeit in Familien, c2000:t.p. (David Reiss)
found: Consulting to chaos, 2017:page xvii (David Reiss, MA, MBBChir, MPhil, PgD, FRCPsych, FAcadMEd; Consultant Forensic Psychiatrist for West London Mental Health NHS Trust; Honorary Clinical Senior Lecturer, Imperial College, London)
found: OCLC database, Aug. 9, 2017(access points: Reiss, David; Reiss, David, 1937-; usage: David Reiss)