found: Dresner, S. H. Judaism, c1978 (a.e.)t.p. (Rabbi Byron L. Sherwin)
found: His Abraham Joshua Heschel, c1979:t.p. (Byron L. Sherwin) CIP data sheet (b. 2/18/46)
found: Creating an ethical Jewish life, 2001:CIP t.p. (Byron L. Sherwin) pub. info (Dr. Byron L. Sherwin; teaches Jewish ethics at Spertus College of Judaica, Chicago)
found: Bibliothèque nationale de France, via VIAF, 17 June 2014(Sherwin, Byron L.; born 18 February 1948 in New York; theologian, philosopher, rabbi; specialist in central European Judaism, especially Czech Republic and Poland; professor at Spertus College of Judaica, Chicago)