found: Moffat, A. The Edinburgh Fringe, 1978 (subj.)p.80 (the Festival Fringe Society Limited; incorp. 22 May 1969)
found: Dale, M. Sore throats & overdrafts, 1988:p.1, etc. (Festival Fringe Society)
found: Wikipedia, viewed 3 January 2017:under Edinburgh Festival Fringe Society (Festival Fringe Society launched in 1959 with a policy of not vetting or censoring shows; provides a centralised information and box office service for the Edinburgh Festival Fringe)
found: Companies House Beta website, viewed 3 January 2017:under Edinburgh Festival Fringe Society Limited (incorporated 9 May 1969 as Festival Fringe Society Limited; name changed to Edinburgh Festival Fringe Society Limited on 29 September 2011)
notfound: State yr bk, 1969;Dir. of British assoc., 1977-8.