found: Its Derniers refuges ... 1957, c1956.
found: Multilingual dictionary of conservation terms, c1976:t.p. (International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources; Unión Internacional para la Conservación la Naturaleza y los Recursos Naturales; Internationalen Union für die Erhaltung der Nature und der Natürlichen Hilfsquellen; Mezhdunarodnyĭ soi︠u︡z okhrany prirody i prirodnykh resursov)
found: The conservation atlas of tropical forests, c1991:CIP t.p. (The World Conservation Union); verso CIP t.p. (copyright IUCN)
found: FAX from publisher, 10-2-90(The official English language translation of our contract is The World Conservation Union; there are other versions of the translation in use within IUCN)
found: Earthwatch, no. 34 (1989):p. 2 (International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN))
found: Comunidades litorâneas e unidades de proteção ambiental, 1989:t.p. (União Internacional para a Conservação da Natureza)
found: Protected area economics and policy, c1994:t.p. (World Conservation Union (IUCN)) t.p. verso (IUCN was founded in 1948; it is a membership organization comprising governments, nongovernmental organizations, research, and conservation agencies in more than 100 countries)
found: A sustainable world, c1995:t.p. (IUCN--the World Conservation Union)
found: Les aires protégées en Méditerranée, 1994:t.p. (Alliance mondiale pour la nature (UICN))
found: Estrategias para el desarrollo sostenible. América Latina, c1995:t.p. (UICN, Unión Mundial para la Naturaleza)
found: Lisy Ukraïny, 1996:p. 3 of cover (IUCN; Miz︠h︡narodnoho soi︠u︡zu okhorony pryrody)
found: Lisy Ukraïny, 1997:t.p. (MSOP) verso t.p. (Miz︠h︡narodnoï spilky okhorony pryrody)
found: Aspekty implementácie národnej ekologickej siete Slovenska, 1996:t.p. (Svetová únia ochrany prírody)
found: Final report, 1996:p. 10 (World Union for the Conservation of Nature (UICN))
found: Saḍaka nāṭaka tālima sota pustikā, 1997:t.p. verso (Āī. Yū. Sī. Ena.--Viśva Saṃrakshaṇa Saṅgha)
found: Quản lý vùng đệm ở Việt Nam, 1999:t.p. (IUNC - Tỏ̂ chức bảo tò̂n thiên nhiên quó̂c té̂)
found: Du lịch với dân tộc thiẻ̂u só̂ ở Sa Pa, 2000:t.p. (Hiệp hội Bảo tò̂n Thiên nhiên Quó̂c té̂. International Union of Conservation of Nature.)
found: Its Web site, Jun. 25, 2004:overview (organization changed its name into International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) in 1956. In 1990 it was shortened to IUCN--the World Conservation Union)
found: Biodiversidade brasileira, 2011:t.p. (UICN) p. 1 (União Internacional para a Conservação da Natureza - UICN)