Herrick, C. L. (Clarence Luther), 1858-1904
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found: LCCN gs06-24: The mammals of Minnesota, 1892(hdg.: Herrick, Clarence Luther, 1858-1904; usage: C.L. Herrick)
found: LC in OCLC, 3/15188(hdg.: Herrick, Clarence Luther, 1858-1904; usage: C.L. Herrick)
found: Google Books, Journal of the Scientific Laboratories of Denison University. Volumes 13-14, via WWW, viewed July 23, 2015:Volume 13, Article 1, January 1905, Clarence Luther Herrick in Memoriam, page 7 (Clarence Luther Herrick; While at Dension he introduced (in chronological order) in 1887, the Denison Scientific Association, the Bulletin of the Scientific Laboratories, the Neurological Journal, and the courses of study which lead to the degree of Bachelor of Science at Denison.) page 8. (Clarence Luther Herrick started the first "Bulletin of the scientific laboratories of Denison University the year following his coming to Denison.) page 9-10 (In 1887, Professor Herrick founded the Denison Scientific Association. Its mission: "To collect, record and disseminate information bearing on the sciences, and to stimulate interest in local natural history and preserve specimans illustrating the same." While on the faculty of the University of Cincinnati, he started the Journal of Comparative Neurology.) page 11 (Prior to going to Denison he was State Mammalist of Minnesota at Granville. He was a botanist, zoologist, geologist, neurologist, teacher and investigator in his various fields of interests.) - https://books.google.com/books?id=vc0rAQAAMAAJ&pg=PA9&lpg=PA9&dq=constitution+of+the+Denison+Scientific+Association&source=bl&ots=IrScOz-v6n&sig=9qUHQKykSBU23NHGxRf_nvWWZvE&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0CCEQ6AEwAWoVChMIvOu6rYDyxgIVEJuICh11eg8E#v=onepage&q=constitution%20of%20the%20Denison%20Scientific%20Association&f=false
found: Denison. About Denison. Our History, via WWW, viewed July 23, 2015:Academic roots ( In 1885 the title, "Bulletin of the Scientific Laboratories of Denison University was initiated by Clarence Luther Herrick, a professor of geology and natural history, who was later, the president of the University of New Mexico) - http://denison.edu/campus/about/our-history
found: Ancestry.com, hosted by rootsweb, via WWW, viewed August 20, 2015(access point: Clarence Luther Herrick, born June 22, 1858 in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.; died September 15, 1904, Socorro, New Mexico, USA at age 46.) - http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~justinkempfamily/217.htm
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1979-08-14: new
2023-07-27: revised
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