found: His Stative and middle in Indo-European, 1978:t.p. (Jay H. Jasanoff) verso t.p. (prof., Dept. of Mod. Lang. and Ling., Cornell, Ithaca, N. Y.)
found: Au79-12-164(Jasanoff, Jay Harold)
found: Prosodi, 1983:p. 431 (Jay H. Jasanoff, b. 1942)
found: The prehistory of the Balto-Slavic accent, 2017:ECIP t.p. (Jay H. Jasanoff) data view (Ph.D. in Linguistics (1968), Harvard University, is Diebold Professor of Indo-European Linguistics and Philology at Harvard; he is best known for his work on IE verbal morphology, especially Hittite and the Indo-European Verb (Oxford, 2003))