found: Schacter, P. A phonology of Akan ... 1968.
found: Phonetic linguistics, 1985:CIP t.p. (Victoria A. Fromkin, Dept. of Linguist., UCLA)
found: Robins, R.H. Linguistics and linguistic evidence, c1985:t.p. (Victoria A. Fromkin) pref. (V. A. (Vicki) Fromkin)
found: An introduction to language, c2003:(Victoria Fromkin) galley (B.A. in economics, Univ. of Calif., Berkeley, 1944; M.A. and Ph.D. in linguistics, Univ. of Calif., Los Angeles in 1963 and 1965, respectively; d. January 19, 2000 at the age of 76)
found: BL database, 29 Aug. 2006(hdg.: Fromkin, Victoria Alexandra; usage: Victoria A. Fromkin; Victoria Fromkin)
found: Wikipedia, 8 October 2013(Victoria Fromkin, born 16 May 1923, Passaic, New Jersey, maiden name was Victoria Alexandra Landish, married in 1948, and settled in Los Angeles, California. She was active in the Communist Party USA, resigning in 1956; received a PhD frm UCLA in 1965, joining the UCLA Linguistics Department in 1965. She was elected President of the Linguistic Society of America in 1985, was of the board of governors of the Academy of Aphasia and was elected to membership in the National Academy of Sciences in 1996. Died 19 January 2000)