found: His L'emprise, c1979:t.p. (Gaétan Brulotte) p. 4 of cover (34 yrs. old; doctorate in semiology and writing, Univ. de Paris VII; teaches lit., Trois-Rivières)
found: His L'emprise, c1988:t.p. (Gaétan Brulotte) Can CIP (Brulotte, Gaétan, 1945- )
found: Epreuves, c1999:t.p. (Gaëtan Brulotte) Can. CIP (Brulotte, Gaëtan) p. preceding t.p. (author of L'emprise)
found: Life sidways, 2015:title page (Gaëtan Brulotte) back cover (BOrn in Canada, Gaëtan Brulotte has travleed extensively around the world and lived in the USA and France...his works have been translated into many languages)