found: His Leprosy in five young men, 1970, c1971.
found: NLM files, 5/19/87(hdg.: Hill, George J., 1932- )
found: Edison's environment, 1869-1931, 1999:t.p. (George James Hill) vita (b. Oct. 7, 1932, Cedar Rapids, Iowa; M.D. from Harvard Med. Sch., 1957; M.A. in History, Rutgers, 1999)
found: John Saxe, Loyalist (1732-1808) and his descendants for five generations, 2010:t.p. (George J. Hill, M.D., D.Litt.) p. facing t.p. (other books by Geroge J. Hill: Leprosy in five young men; Outpatient surgery ; etc.) p. 188 (after retiring from the practice of surgery, he earned an M.A. in history at Rutgers-Newark and the D.Litt. in history from Drew University)