Rickett, Harold William, 1896-1989
Identifies LC/NAF RWO
Identifies RWO
Exact Matching Concepts from Other Schemes
Closely Matching Concepts from Other Schemes
found: Fertilization in sphaerocarpos, 1923:t.p. (H.W. Rickett)
found: Walcott, M.V. Wildflowers of America, 1987, c1953:CIP t.p. (H.W. Rickett)
found: OCLC, Oct. 22, 2002(usages: H.W. Rickett, Harold W. Rickett, Harold William Rickett)
found: Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club, 1991:volume 118, number 1, page 67-72 (Harold William Rickett, Bibliographer & Editor, 1896-1989; born in Birmingham, England on July 30, 1896; he came to the United States in 1911 and was a student at Harvard University for two years before completing the requirements for an A.B. degree at the University of Wisconsin in 1917; that year he also became a naturalized citizen and was commissioned a 2nd lieutenant in the Army Reserves; he received an M.A. degree from Wisconsin in 1920 and a Ph. D. degree in 1922; he held an appointment as instructor from 1922 to 1924, when he moved to the University of Missouri as Assistant Professor of botany (1924-1928) and Associate Professor (1928-1939); in 1939 he was recruited to serve as assistant bibliographer at the New York Botanical Garden; Rickett had the title and function of bibliographer from 1942 to 1963; he served as Acting Assistant Director (botany) from 1959 to 1961, when he acquired the title of Senior Curator of the Library; he was appointed a Senior Botanist and the Wild Flower Project Botanist in 1963; in 1977 Rickett became Bibliographer Emeritus; his actual retirement was never officially noted, but some time after 1974 he moved to the West Coast, where he enjoyed an anonymous life)
found: ancestry.com, May 31, 2016(Harold William Rickett; born July 30, 1896; died November 29, 1989 in Monterey, Monterey, California)
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Change Notes
1980-05-28: new
2016-06-01: revised
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