Bulgaria. Ministerstvo na vŭtreshnite raboti
Bulgaria. Vŭtreshnite raboti, Ministerstvo na
Bulgaria. Ministerstvo na vu̐tri︠e︡shniti︠e︡ raboti
Bulgaria. Ministerstvo vnutrennikh del
Identifies LC/NAF RWO
Identifies RWO
Exact Matching Concepts from Other Schemes
Closely Matching Concepts from Other Schemes
found: Its Spisŭk ... 1906.
found: Ispravitelʹno-trud. zakonodat. zarub. sot︠s︡. gosud., Nar. Resp. Bolgarii︠a︡, 1983:p. 48 (Ministerstvo vnutrennikh del)
notfound: Bŭlg. dŭrzhavni institut︠s︡ii 1879-1986, 1987: p. 102 (Komitet na dŭrzhavna sigurnost pri MS; established by decree no. 504 on 07-12-1965; by decree no. 1156 of 12-27-1968 the Ministerstvo na vŭtreshnite raboti and the KDS were united to form the Ministerstvo na vŭtreshnite raboti i dŭrzhavnata sigurnost [no publs. in LC data base]) p. 157 (the Ministerstvo na vŭtreshnite raboti i dŭrzhavnata sigurnost existed during 1968-1969; then by decree no. 322 on 04-05-1969 the MVR and the KDS resumed their former functions as separate institutions)
Instance Of
Scheme Membership(s)
Collection Membership(s)
Change Notes
1981-02-17: new
2016-03-16: revised
Alternate Formats