found: Concerto for five instruments, in D major "La pastorella." Haydn Society HSL 82.
found: Concert royal [SR] p1983:insert (Robert Veyron-Lacroix; b. Paris, 1922)
found: Baker, 8th ed.(Veyron-Lacroix, Robert; b. 12-13-22, Paris; d. 4-2-91, Paris; pianist and harpsichordist)
found: Library of Congress Music Division concert, 1968-01-26 [SR] 1958:program (Robert Veyron-La Croix, piano)
found: Première rhapsodie pour clarinette et piano (1910), 195-?:label (R. Veyron-Lacroix) container (Robert Veyron-Lacroix)