found: Kepiński, Z. Piotr Potworowski, 1978 (a.e.)t.p. (Piotr Potworowski)
found: Peter Potworowski, 1999:p. 33 (b. 1898, Piotr Tadeusz Potworowski, in Warsaw; d. 1962 in Warsaw; painter)
found: Polish artists in Great Britain, 1944:p. 34 (Tadeusz Potworowski; painter) p. 33 (student of Jozef Pankiewicz)
found: AKL online, Mar. 14, 2016(Piotr Potworowski; Tadeusz Piotr Potworowski; Peter Potworowski; b. July 14, 1898 or June 14, 1898, Warsaw; d. Apr. 24, 1962, Warsaw; studied at the Krakow Academy of Fine Arts; student of Jozef Pankiewicz; member of the Paris Committee and Royal West of England Academy; professor at the Bath Academy of Art; painter and stage set designer)