found: Off. Cath. direct. 1981:p. 1093 (Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul; founded France 1633; general motherhouse, Paris, France)
found: L'Aide-siognant et les soins aux malades, 1982:t.p. (Communauté des Filles de la charité, 8, rue du Griffon, Rennes; Centrale de œuvres, 67, rue de Sèvres, Paris) verso t.p. (Cie des Filles de la charité de Saint-Vincent-de-Paul)
found: Conte, A. Cien años de labores en Centro América y Panamá, 1960:t.p. (Hermanas de la Caridad) p. 97 (Hijas de la Caridad; f. 1633 por San Vicente de Paúl y Santa Luisa de Marillac)
found: New Cath. encyc., 1981(Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul; f. in France, 1633, by St. Vincent de Paul and Louise de Marillac; members are often known as Sisters of Charity; but their official title, Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul, distinguishes them from sisters of other relig. communities bearing similar titles and perform. similar works)
found: Hannefin, D. Daughters of the church, 1990:CIP t.p. (Daughters of Charity) galley (Daughters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul)
found: La Chiesa di San Salvario in Torino, c2002:p. 55 (Compagnia delle figlie della carità di San Vincenzo de'Paoli) p. 73 (Figlie della carità)
found: Działalność opiekuńczo-wychowawcza Zakonu Sióstr Miłosierdzia Wincentego à Paulo w Lublinie w XIX i XX wieku, 2013.
found: Conexões vicentinas, 2013:page 27 (Filhas de Caridade de São Vicente de Paulo)
found: Svätá Katarína Labouré, 1981:title page (Dcéry kresťanskej lásky)
found: Wikipedia, viewed August 3, 2021:Czech Catherine Labouré page (... Společnosti Dcer křesťanské lásky sv. Vincence de Paul) German Genossenschaft der Töchter der christlichen Liebe vom heiligen Vinzenz von Paul page (Genossenschaft der Töchter der christlichen Liebe vom heiligen Vinzenz von Paul; short name: Töchter der christlichen Liebe; Vinzentinerinnen; known in Austria as: Barmherzige Schwestern vom hl. Vinzenz von Paul; Latin name: Societas filiarum Caritatis a S. Vincentio de Paulo; French name: Compagnie des Filles de la charité de Saint Vincent de Paul; order abbreviation: FdC; in Germany: TdchL/TchrL; BHS) Spanish Hijas de la Caridad de San Vicente de Paúl page (Compañia de las Hijas de la Caridad de San Vicente de Paúl; also known as: hijas de la Caridad, hermanas paúles, vicentinas or vicencianas; order abbreviation: F.d.C.) Italian Figlie della carità di San vincenzo de' Paoli page (Figlie della carità di San Vincenzo de' Paoli) Portuguese Filhas da Caridade de São Vicente de Paulo page (Filhas da Caridade de São Vicente de Paulo; Companhia das Filhas da Caridade de São Vicente de Paulo; Servas dos pobres; Filhas da Caridade, Irmãs de São Vicente de Paulo, Irmãs da Caridade, Vicentinas) Czech Kongregace Milosrdných sester svatého Vincence de Paul page (Kongregace Milosrdných sester svatého Vincence de Paul (or z Pauly, z Paula); also known as: milosrdné sestry, vincentky; Latin name: Societas filiarum Caritatis a S. Vincentio de Paulo; Puellae Caritatis; Compagnie des Filles de la Charité; formerly known as vincentinky; now known vincentky) Polish Szarytki page (Szarytki; also known as wincentynki, siostry miłosierdzia; official name: Zgromadzenie Sióstr Miłosierdzia św. Wincentego à Paulo) Slovak Spoločnosť Dcér kresťanskej lásky sv. Vincenta de Paul page (Spoločnosť Dcér kresťanskej lásky sv. Vincenta de Paul; abbreviation: DKL; vincentky; milosrdné sestry)
found: Catholic religious orders, 1957:page 105 (heading: Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul; variant headings: Charity of St. Vincent de Paul, Daughters of; Daughters of Charity, Servants of the Sick Poor; Filles de la Charité, Servantes de Pauvres Malades; Filles de la charité de Saint-Vincent de Paul; Puellae Caritats Sancti Vincentii a Paulo; St. Vincent de Paul, Daughters of Charity of; Servants of the Sick Poor, Daughters of Charity; Sick Poor, Daughters of Charity, Servants of the; abbreviation: D.C.; in personal correspondence the individuals sometimes sign themselves: u.d.o.c.s.o.t.s.p. (unworthy daughter of charity, servant of the sick poor); founded: 1633 in France; 1809 in the United States: Founders: Saint Louise de Marillac (Le Gras) 1591-1660; Saint Vincent de Paul, 1576-1660)