found: International violence, 1982 (a.e.)CIP t.p. (Tunde Adeniran) pub. info. (Univ. of Ibadan, Nigeria)
found: His A developing country in the United Nations system, 1973:t.p. (Babatunde Olatunde Adeniran) [info. from IEN]
found: Nicol, D. The United Nations Security Council towards greater effectiveness, c1982 (a.e.)t.p. (Babatunde Adeniran)
found: Fate and faitht.p. (Tunde Adeniran) back cover (writer is several genres including poetry)
found: His Serving my fatherland, 2015:title page (Tunde Adeniran)
found: DAWN Commission Facebook page, viewed August 1, 2017(Prof Tunde Adeniran turns 70 [Oct. 29, 2015]; Prof was born in 1945 ... in Ekiti State. He is a Political Scientist and a product of the first University in Nigeria, the University of Ibadan. He also attended Columbia University in the United States of America. Worked for the United Nations Organisation in the mid-seventies and also taught in some American Universities before he took up appointment at the University of Ibadan where he worked for 20 years before he retired to go into politics in 1998; served as the Nigerian Ambassador to Germany; first Minister of Education (June 1999 - January 2001) in the 4th Republic)