Fugger, Marcus, 1529-1597
Fugger, Markus, 1529-1597
Fugger, Marx, 1529-1597
Fuggerus, Marcus, 1529-1597
Fuckher zu Kirchbergk und Weissenhorn, Marx, 1529-1597
Identifies LC/NAF RWO
Identifies RWO
Exact Matching Concepts from Other Schemes
Closely Matching Concepts from Other Schemes
found: His Bibliophile kostbarkeiten ... 1933-
found: Lancelot du Lac, 1 July 1494-1504DLC copy (autograph of Marcus Fuggerus inside upper cover)
found: VIAF, accessed April 23, 2021VIAF ID: 100900284 (Personal) (hdg.: Fugger, Markus, 1529-1597; Fugger, Markus; Fugger, Marcus, 1529-1597; Markus Fugger deutscher Kaufmann und Bankier; Fugger, Marx, 1529-1597) - http://viaf.org/viaf/100900284
found: Alvares, Francisco. General Chronicen, das ist: Wahrhaffte eigentliche vnd kurtze Beschreibung, vieler namhaffter, vnd zum theil biss daher unbekannter Landtschafften ..., 1576:leaf )(2 recto (Den Wolgebornen Herren, Herrn Marxen, Herrn Hansen, Herrn Jacoben, Allen Fuckherrn gebrüdern, Herrn zu Kirchbergk Vnd Weissenhorn ...)
found: English Wikipedia, viewed on Jan. 7th, 2025(Markus Fugger (born Marx Fugger; 14 February 1529 - 18 June 1597) was a German politician and businessman of the Fugger family. He was the eldest son of Anton Fugger. He achieved several high offices - chamberlain to Archduke Ernest of Austria, Kammerpräsident, member of the kurbayrische (Bavarian) council, Pfleger (reeve) in the Landshut, and city-pfleger in Augsburg.) - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markus_Fugger
found: Katalog der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek, viewed on Jan. 7th, 2025(Fugger, Markus; born Augsburg 1529 or 1531; died Augsburg, 1597; active in Augsburg as a merchant and humanist; variant names (selection): Fugger, Marcus; Fugger, Marx; Fuggerus, Marcus; Fuckher zu Kirchbergk und Weissenhorn, Marx) - https://d-nb.info/gnd/118639110
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1982-09-15: new
2025-01-10: revised
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