found: Tansill, C.C. The Canadian Reciprocity Treaty of 1854, 1983, c1922 (a.e.)p. 87 (Reciprocity Treaty Between the United States and Great Britain)
found: Le Traité de réciprocité, 1854, 1968:t.p. (Traité de réciprocité, 1854) p. 19 (The Reciprocity Treaty of 1854)
found: The Reciprocity Treaty, its history, general features, and commercial results, 1865.
found: Statutes at large and treaties of the United States of America, 1855:v. 10, p. 1089 (Reciprocity Treaty with Great Britain, June 5, 1854)
found: Revised statutes of the United States, 1875:v. 18, p. 329 (Reciprocity Treaty Between the United States of America and Her Britannic Majesty, concluded at Washington June 5, 1854, terminated March 17, 1866)
found: Treaties and other international acts of the United States of America, 1942:v. 6, p. 667 (Treaty Regarding the North Atlantic Fisheries, Commercial Reciprocity with British North American Colonies, and Navigation of the St. Lawrence River, Lake Michigan, and Other Waters, signed at Washington June 5, 1854. Original in English)
found: Treaties and other international agreements of the United States of America, 1776-1949:v. 12, p. 116 (Fisheries, Commerce, and Navigation in North America, treaty signed at Washington June 5, 1854, terminated March 17, 1866)
found: Wikipedia, viewed October 10, 2016:Canadian-American Reciprocity Treaty (Canadian-American Reciprocity Treaty of 1854, also known as the Elgin-Marcy treaty)
found:, viewed October 10, 2016:Canada (Reciprocity Treaty (1854) between Canada and the United States)