found: Ius inter nationes, 1983:t.p. (Erik Jayme) p. vii (Dr. jur., o. Professor, Univ. München)
found: LC data base, 1-24-84(hdg.: Jayme, Erik)
found: His Methoden der Konkretisierung des Ordre public im internationalen Privatrecht, c1989:t.p. (Erik Jayme) p. 4 of cover (b. June 8, 1934; prof. of law, Univ. Heidelberg)
found: Von Feuerbach bis Fetting, 2002:t.p. (Erik Jayme) p. 12 etc. (b. 1934; art collector and prof. of law; Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. mult.)
found: Die Person in internationalen Privatrecht, 2019:t.p. (Erik Jayme) p. 1 (born June 8, 1934 in Montreal, Quebec; studied law and art history; specializes in private international law)